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What is HTTP status display and how can I use it ?


Title: What is HTTP status display and how can I use it ?
Document: gen_014
Keywords: HTTP,status,information,serviceHttp,dstatus

What is HTTP status display and how can I use it ?

The eloqsd and eloqdb6 server have builtin functionality to output status information in HTML format. So you can use a Web browser, such as such as Netscape to monitor server status.

To enable this functionality (it is disabled by default), it is required to define a port number for the serviceHttp configuration entry in the eloqsd.cfg and the eloqdb6.cfg configuration file. This defines the TCP port where the server is listening for HTTP requests.

For example, if the port number is set to 8801, you could use a URL like http://server:8801 to obtain status information on a server process running on host "server".

Relevant configuration settings:

# ServiceHttp   The port number where the server should listen
#               for HTTP requests. If this is not specified, the
#               HTTP status is disabled (default).
#ServiceHttp =

# HttpFrame     Numeric flag if the links should be omitted in
#               HTTP status. The default value is 0.
#HttpFrame = 0

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