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How does the .do attribute work?


Title: How does the .do attribute work?
Document: 915643030
Author: Roland Genske <rhg@marxmeier.com>
Keywords: windows,dlg,set,do,gui

I just had a look at the CANCEL.PROG example program. With the GUI dlgsrv, it makes use of the .do attribute. What exactly does this attribute cause?

The GUI dlgsrv uses a message filter in order to eliminate unwanted events while a dialog is inactive. If this would not happen, any edittext rule could be triggered unexpectedly, e.g. if you minimize a dialog to an icon.

Any dialog is considered to be active while a DLG DO statement is executed. However, e.g. for 'Cancel Dialog' functionality, this behavior is not wanted. Instead, the dialog should be activated while the program continues execution.

The .do attributes is very similar to the .visible attribute, but additionally activates the dialog if it is made visible. This way, it can process its internal rules.

Please have a look inside the cancel.idm example dialog file:

   on CancelDlgBtn select
      CancelDlg.visible := false;

If the button is clicked (selected), the dialog is made invisible. If the dialog were inactive, this rule would never be triggered, so CANCEL.PROG uses the .do attribute in order to activate it. Next, it queries the .visible attribute during any lengthy operation in order to find out if the 'Cancel' button has been clicked.

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