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B.08.30 terminal character set


Title: B.08.30 terminal character set
Document: 1594053807
Keywords: FAQ,B0830,terminal

With Eloquence B.08.30 we handle terminal character sets more flexible. Depending on the settings, a terminal may have more than a single character set. For example, an xterm terminal type may be used with utf-8, iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15 encoding. This is determined by the user locale settings, specifically the LC_CTYPE environment variable.

Please make sure the LC_CTYPE environment variable is setup properly to indicate a supported character set encoding, most likely ISO-8859-1 for compatibility with previous Eloquence releases.

For an quick test it should be sufficient to set this in the shell (for example, export LC_CTYPE=en_UK@iso88591 and then run eloqcore).

The following command shows the character set of the current locale:

$ locale -c charmap
Eloquence B.08.30 supports character set encoding UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 and HP-ROMAN8. The LC_CTYPE specification depends on the operating system and installed options.

For example:

$ LC_CTYPE=de_DE@iso88591 locale -c charmap

$ LC_CTYPE=de_DE@euro locale -c charmap

$ LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 locale -c charmap
Note: Please note that Eloquence as of B.08.30 no longer uses the previous .map files to define the terminal character set encoding. Previous .map files are unsupported and are likely to result in unexpected behavior.

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