Title: | sequence mismatch |
Document: | 1571654789 |
Keywords: | sequence mismatch,forwardlog,dbrecover,fwaudit,dbrepl |
dbrecover fails with sequence mismatch message
ELOQUENCE DBRECOVER (C) Copyright 2013 Marxmeier Software AG (B.08.20)
Opening root volume ...
Recovering from forward-log ...
R1: processing forward-log file: '/data/log/fwd_log-177-1.log'
R0: sequence mismatch while recovering from forward-log, offset=14672
R0: WARNING: 1 committed transaction is incomplete and could not be
recovered, therefore some data is lost.
79 actions have been successfully recovered.
Database environment is now up-to-date until Sun Aug 26 17:41:04 2018.
A "sequence mismatch" error indicates that a consistency check
on the forward-log content has failed.
The forward-log is organized in records, where each record has a header
containing a sequence number. This number must increment by one for
every record. A sequence number mismatch indicates an unexpected value
for a sequence number was found.
A "sequence mismatch" error indicates the forward log file content has
been corrupted, for example, the file has been damaged or overwritten
with "foreign" contents or the file system was damaged in a system failure.
The fwdump support utility (availabe for download in the
contrib directory) may be used to output the forward-log contents as
plain text and investigate the damage.
If a forward-log file is damaged, a recovery is possible up to the
point of damage, but not beyond that. All data beyond the point of
damage and in subsequent forward-log files would be lost.
Other utilities using forward log files (such as fwaudit or dbrepl
perform the same verification and may fail with a similar error message
when encountering an inconsistent forward log file.
R1: dbrepl started (/etc/opt/eloquence/8.2/eloqdb.cfg uid=801/100)
R1: processing forward-log file: '/data/log/fwd_log.508-1'
R0: sequence mismatch while reading forward-log file, offset=69144
The dbrepl message indicates the forward log file is corrupt. In case
of a system crash some file content may not have been saved to disk
and is then returned as NUL bytes upon reading.