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Scripted Eloquence Installation on Windows


Title: Scripted Eloquence Installation on Windows
Document: 1075982489
Author: Roland Genske (rhg@marxmeier.com)
Keywords: Windows,installation,setup,script

Scripted Eloquence Installation on Windows

You can automate the Eloquence installation with the MSIEXEC.EXE tool which is a Windows system component. This requires the eqXX.msi file along with the eqXX_*.cab archives you want to install. If you don't want to install particular archives please read the notes below.

This is the command line:

  msiexec /I eq70.msi /q /L log.txt
With /I you specify the package to be installed. The /q option suppresses the interactive GUI. With /L you can specify a log file.

You can add optional parameters to the /q and /L options. For example, it is possible to suppress the GUI only partly or to specify the kind of info which is written to the log file. A complete command option reference is here:

To uninstall, use the /x option instead of /I.

However, a standard installation like this does not install the manuals because they are deselected by default, even if the associated eqXX_*.cab files are present. To install the manuals you must increase the so-called INSTALLLEVEL to 200, for example:

  msiexec /I eq70.msi /q /L log.txt INSTALLLEVEL=200
IMPORTANT: If the GUI is suppressed, the Eloquence installation program cannot detect if a certain eqXX_*.cab is present or not. Therefore, you must always provide all eqXX_*.cab files unless you disable a specific eqXX_*.cab archive. For example, if you only want to install the HTML manuals but not the PDF manuals, you must disable archive #9 (because the PDF manuals are located in eqXX_09.cab):
  msiexec /I eq70.msi /q /L log.txt INSTALLLEVEL=200 EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_9=1
Each archive has an associated EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_x property. If you set one of these properties to 1 as shown above, the associated eqXX_*.cab archive is not installed and doesn't have to be present.

Eloquence B.07.10 single file installation

Eloquence B.07.10 provides a single installation executable which may be directly invoked from the command line for an automated installation.

The /v command line option is used to pass any arguments to the underlying MSI engine. Multiple MSI arguments must be enclosed into quotes. The additional /s option suppresses the initialization dialog.

For example, to silently install all Eloquence B.07.10 components except the PDF manuals, the following command line may be used:

  Eloquence-B0710-1-win32.exe /s /v"/q INSTALLLEVEL=200 EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_9=1"

Each component has an associated EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_x property. If set to a nonzero value, the associated component is not installed:

 Client GUI Environment - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_1
Client Runtime Environment - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_2
Client Developer Tools - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_3
Client Database Tools - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_4
Client Database Library - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_5
On-line Documentation - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_7
Reference Manuals (html) - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_8
Reference Manuals (pdf) - EQ_FEATURE_DISABLE_9

To uninstall Eloquence B.07.10, use the /x option. For a silent uninstallation, use /s and /v/q in addition, for example:

  Eloquence-B0710-1-win32.exe /x /s /v/q

Eloquence B.08.00 single file installation

Eloquence B.08.00 provides a single installation executable which may be directly invoked from the command line for an automated installation.

The /v command line option is used to pass any arguments to the underlying MSI engine. Multiple MSI arguments must be enclosed into quotes. The additional /s option suppresses the initialization dialog.

By default, everything is installed except the Deprecated GUI Components. For a full installation including the Deprecated GUI Components the INSTALLLEVEL must be set to 200, for example using a command line like below:

  Eloquence-B0800-2-win32.exe /s /v"/q INSTALLLEVEL=200"

The properties listed below are provided to optionally exclude selected components from being installed. If set to a nonzero value, the associated component is not installed:

 Client Runtime Environment - EQ_NO_RUNTIME
Client Developer Tools - EQ_NO_DEVEL
Client Database Tools - EQ_NO_DBTOOLS
Client Database Library - EQ_NO_DBLIB
64-bit Database Server - EQ_NO_SERVER_64BIT
Server Temporary License - EQ_NO_TMPLIC
On-line Documentation - EQ_NO_ONLINE_DOC
Deprecated GUI Components - EQ_NO_DEPREC

Example 1: For a complete and silent Eloquence B.08.00 installation without creating a temporary license, the following command line may be used:

  Eloquence-B0800-2-win32.exe /s /v"/q INSTALLLEVEL=200 EQ_NO_TMPLIC=1"

Example 2: For a silent Eloquence B.08.00 installation on a 64-bit Windows platform without installing and configuring the 64-bit database server (i.e., using the 32-bit database server), the following command line may be used:

  Eloquence-B0800-2-win32.exe /s /v"/q EQ_NO_SERVER_64BIT=1"

To uninstall Eloquence B.08.00, use the /x option. For a silent uninstallation, use /s and /v/q in addition, for example:

  Eloquence-B0800-2-win32.exe /x /s /v/q

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