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Eloquence [Patch] News August 2009



New B.07.10 patches since Spring 2009

The following recommended patches for Eloquence B.07.10 have been released recently:

  • Patch PE71-0906050 - database server
  • Patch PE71-0907060 - dbfsck utility
  • Patch PE71-0906051 - fwaudit utility
  • Patch PE71-0903300 - dbrepl utility
  • Patch PE71-0908070 - QUERY utility
  • Patch PE71-0907010 - dbvolcreate utility (Windows)
  • Patch PE71-0907011 - dbvolextend utility (Windows)

The above patches are on top of the PE71-B090130 patch bundle, which is the recommended base.

Critical fixes to the database server

Some of the database server fixes are considered critical, even if only for corner-cases:

  • Replication or forward-recovery could fail in certain rare cases.
  • Database server could refuse to start due to an inconsistent volume generation.
  • Fixed a memory leak on large dbctl list output.

For more info on 7.10 patches and the 7.10 patch bundle visit:

New B.08.00 patches since Spring 2009

The following recommended patches for Eloquence B.08.00 have been released recently:

  • Patch PE80-0906080 - database server
  • Patch PE80-0907060 - dbfsck utility
  • Patch PE80-0906050 - fwaudit utility
  • Patch PE80-0902090 - dbutil utility
  • Patch PE80-0903300 - dbrepl utility
  • Patch PE80-0907240 - eloqcore (Linux x64 and ia64)
  • Patch PE80-0908070 - QUERY utility
  • Patch PE80-0907010 - dbvolcreate utility (Windows)
  • Patch PE80-0907011 - dbvolextend utility (Windows)
Critical fixes to the database server

Some of the database server fixes are considered critical, even if only for corner-cases:

  • During an automatic forward-log file switch it could happen in rare cases that transactions were not written to the forward-log.
  • Renaming a database could cause the database server process to abort.
  • Internal memory leaks were fixed.
  • The database server could hang due to an internal deadlock.
  • The database server could fail to start with an inconsistent generation count error message.

For more info on the recommended 8.0 patches and visit:

Enhancements added to B.07.10 and B.08.00

dbctl forwardlog status no longer requires DBA privileges

The dbctl command "forwardlog status" has been modified to no longer require DBA privileges.
Other command options like "forwardlog restart", for example, continue to require DBA privileges.

dbrepl returns additional exit code (useful for scripting)

The dbrepl utility has been enhanced to return a separate exit code 3 for those cases where it could not successfully connect to the slave server or lost its connection to the slave server while replicating database transactions. This additional exit code is typically useful for scripts running dbrepl, because it allows to code for notifications and/or retries.

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* The dbrepl utility now issues an additional exit code 3 in case
  a connection problem is detected, for example if the replication
  slave server is temporarily unavailable.

The exit codes issued by dbrepl are:

  0 - successful execution, graceful exit

  (will only be issued if the -S or -G command line option is
  used and dbrepl executed normally until the existing log or
  the current generation has been processed) 

  1 - failure, typically requires manual intervention

  (for example, a configuration problem on the replication
  master or slave servers)

  2 - invalid or -help command line option

  (the command line usage was output)

  3 - connection problem

  (could not connect or lost the connection to the replication
  slave server)

Exit code 3 may be used in a script to retry the dbrepl invocation.
Preferably, repeated invocations should be appropriately delayed,
for example by sleeping 60 seconds between two invocations.
dbrepl enhanced for use with ssh/ssl tunneling (disable IPC)

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* The dbrepl utility could not easily be used through a SSH tunnel
  because the underlying Eloquence database client library would
  always establish an IPC connection to the database server whenever
  the localhost address is used.

  However, since an IPC connection uses shared memory to communicate
  with the database server, it would not work through a SSH tunnel.

  To solve this, the EQ_DBENABLEIPC environment variable may be set
  to zero (EQ_DBENABLEIPC=0), which will enforce a TCP network
  connection even if the localhost address is used.

Note that with Eloquence 8.0 the EQ_DBENABLEIPC enhancement has already been available to all applications using the database client library, so that those applications may also use ssh/ssl tunnels.

dbfsck progress messages added, memory/runtime improvements

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* The dbfsck memory requirement has been significantly reduced.
  This causes a noticable improvement of the pass 1 runtime and
  allows to use dbfsck on large database environments.

* Progress information has been added which is output when the
  -v command line option is specified. If enabled, progress info
  is output every minute to stdout.

  For example, the command line below redirects dbfsck messages
  to a log file while progress info is output to the terminal:

  dbfsck -v 2>dbfsck.log

  Example output:
  Processed 222437 of 556094 pages (40%)

Enhancements added to B.08.00 only

filter expressions and /count option added to dbctl list

The dbctl list command was enhanced to allow the use of simple filter expressions and a "/count" option. This feature allows to limit the output of dbctl list to those entries matching certain criteria, for example only show sessions for a specific logon (or running a specific program) or only display lock information for a selected database.

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* The dbctl list command was enhanced. A filter expression may be 
  specified and the /count option may be used to only obtain the 
  number of matching entries.

  For example:
  $ dbctl list session "pname=*query3k*"
  $ dbctl list lock /count "status=blocked"

  Please refer to the dbctl documentation for details:
dbutil script commands support changing the item order

The dbutil patch PE80-0902090 and the related database server patch PE80-0902091 introduce support for overriding the default item order for CREATE ITEM or changing the item order with CHANGE ITEM. They also provide the new command ORDER ITEMS BY NAME in the dbutil script language.

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* This patch adds support to change item order (#3689).

  The ORDER ITEMS BY NAME statement may be used to order the
  items by name.


  The CHANGE ITEM syntax was enhanced to support changing
  the item order. The ORDER BEFORE|AFTER clause may be used 
  to specify the new item position, relative to another item.


  The CREATE ITEM syntax was enhanced to support specifying 
  the item order. The BEFORE|AFTER clause may be used to 
  specify the new item position, relative to another item.
  If not specified, items are added at the end.


Please note the patch dependency; you need both, the database server patch and the dbutil patch.

dbfsck provides 64-bit version on 64-bit capable platforms

Here is the related section from the patch release notes:

* A 64 bit dbfsck build is now available for the HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0
  and Itanium) and Windows platforms.

  Large database environment sizes (approximately above 400 GB) may
  require the 64 bit dbfsck version to overcome a 32 bit address
  space limitation. If the 32 bit dbfsck issues a memory allocation
  failure, the 64 bit dbfsck should be used.

  On Linux, the x86_64 and ia64 builds provide a 64 bit dbfsck,
  while the i686 build provides a 32 bit dbfsck.

Eloquence JDLG 1.5.1 available for download

JDLG 1.5.0 was released in July 2009 and has evolved from the JDLG 1.5 beta releases.
JDLG 1.5.1 is a maintenance release issued in August 2009.

Eloquence JDLG 1.5 adds the splitter and tree controls and enhances the groupbox control to support scrolling. It also adds support for context specific popup menus. Several examples for the new features and enhancements are available in the download area and discussed in the release notes.

For more info on JDLG 1.5.x and downloads visit:

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