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Eloquence B.08.10 released

  We are happy to announce the general availability of the Eloquence B.08.10 release for the HP-UX and Linux platform. A release version for Windows is expected to be available later this year.

Building on the solid foundation of the Eloquence B.08.00 release, the new Eloquence B.08.10 release adds major enhancements to help securing your data.

  • Database encryption. Sensitive information may be encrypted in the database. This helps protecting database volume files, forward logs, as well as dbstore output files or backups against unauthorized access to sensitive data. Encryption keys may be updated periodically with no downtime.

  • Item Level Security. Sensitive information may be masked or blanked upon retrieval, depending on the user authorization. This allows to enhance the security of existing applications with no or minimal code changes.
If you are working to meet the PCI DSS requirements or exploring how to improve protection of sensitive information with a minimum of changes to your application and procedures, you are likely interested in this new functionality.

The item security enhancements are included in the Eloquence B.08.10 base version, the data encryption feature is available as an optional add-on component.

In addition, a number of minor enhancements are included, such as refined user capabilities and password modification timestamps. Please refer to the release notes for details.

Eloquence B.08.10 requires the use of new license keys for the base product and the hp3k, replication and encryption options. New B.08.10 license keys are also accepted by previous Eloquence versions. Customers with an active update agreement ("SUS" or "BLS") should receive updated license keys shortly.

For more information on the new Eloquence version, including release notes, download links, and documentation, visit the Eloquence web site at http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/support/B0810/index.html or contact our sales or support teams.


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