We are happy to announce the general availability of the Eloquence B.08.00
release for the HP-UX and Linux platforms.
After a series of release candidates that helped refining the software, an
Eloquence B.08.00 production version was released for HP-UX and Linux in
December 2008. A release version for Windows is expected to be available in
We would like to thank our customers and partners for their feedback and
assistance in completing the B.08.00 release.
Eloquence B.08.00 introduces functional and architectural changes.
The architectural changes focus on scalability enhancements to the Eloquence
database server.
An improved multi-threading architecture allows the database server to make
better use of available CPU resources on current and future hardware. The
database server now benefits from native OS threading and the internal
locking of resources was enhanced to improve performance and scalability.
The database server is now available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The
64-bit server version removes prior address space limitations and improves
scalability on large memory configurations.
The functional changes include support for database server replication, case
insensitive database indexes and point-in-time recovery from forward
logs. Enhancements to the programming language include an increase in the
memory available for program variables and a new Eloquence JDLG 1.4 release.
While initially developed for B.08.00, some enhancements are also available
for the previous B.07.10 release through patches.
Eloquence B.08.00 adds support for new platforms by introducing versions for
Linux on x86_64 and ia64 based systems. The upcoming Windows version will
also support the x86_64 architecture.
Eloquence B.08.00 is compatible with previous versions and binary compatible
with the latest B.07.10 patch levels. To ease transition, it can be
installed in parallel with an existing Eloquence version.
Eloquence B.08.00 requires the use of new license keys for the base product
and the optional hp3k and replication add-ons. These new license keys are
also functional with older Eloquence versions. Customers with an active
update agreement ("SUS") should receive updated license keys automatically.
For more information on the new Eloquence version, including release notes,
download links, and documentation, visit the Eloquence web site at
or contact our sales or support teams.
The Eloquence Team