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Eloquence Mailing List

  This list was formed to support Eloquence programmers and users in their daily work. It is not a replacement for Eloquence support but an enhancement.

Eloquence support is responsible for helping you in case of trouble and to solve your immediate problem. This list is to let you and others share knowledge and ideas among the Eloquence community.

So if you have a question like "How could I ..." or "Why doesn't this work ..." this list is the right place to ask. Other welcome topics include the dicussion about Eloquence features and how you would like Eloquence to evolve in the future.

The preferred language in this list is English as it is intended to be available to all Eloquence users. Other languages are welcome too, but there may be fewer people who are able to respond to you.

If you subscribed to the mailing list but neither received the confirmation nor any other message your mail address may be invalid. Please see at the end of this document for a list of mail adresses, which recently refused to accept mail.

The list server

All routine administrative requests (including subscriptions and unsubscriptions) concerning this mailing list are handled by an automated server. The text below explains the basic commands of the list server.


To subscribe to eloquence, send the following command in the body or subject line of an email message to eloquence-request@marxmeier.com:
This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to the eloquence list.

Note: if your mail client adds a signature footer to outgoing messages, follow the above "subscribe" command with an "end" command on a second line to prevent your signature being parsed as commands.

If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:

   subscribe address=other-address@your_site.your_net
A digest version of this list is also available. The digest version will group all messages of a day into a single email message. To subscribe to the eloquence-digest list instead, replace the word of "subscribe" in the commands above with "subscribe digest".


To unsubscribe from eloquence, send the following command in body or subject line of an email message to eloquence-request@marxmeier.com:
This will unsubscribe the account from which you send the message. If you are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send a command of the following form instead:
   unsubscribe address=other-address@your_site.your_net
Note: if your mail client adds a signature footer to outgoing messages, follow the above "unsubscribe" command with an "end" command on a second line to prevent your signature being parsed as commands.


To find out more about the automated server and its command set, send the following command to eloquence-request@marxmeier.com:
Note: if your mail client adds a signature footer to outgoing messages, follow the above "help" command with an "end" command on a second line to prevent your signature being parsed as commands.

If you feel you need to reach a human for assistance, send email to eloquence-owner@marxmeier.com


To send a message to the list members, send an email message to eloquence@marxmeier.com. The list server will then distribute your message to all list members.

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