A Error Messages

CFORM and MFORM Error Messages

The error messages that may occur when using the CFORM (create form) or MFORM (modify form) programs are listed below.

VOLUME (DIRECTORY) IS WRITE-PROTECTED -- You have tried to write to a volume that is protected. Specify another volume for the write operation, or change the access rights for the directory associated with the volume to allow write access.

FATAL ERROR xxx ENCOUNTERED xxxx -- An internal error occurred in a forms program. Note this error and report it to your service representative.

FIELD BEYOND COLUMN 255 -- A field cannot begin after column 255.

FIELD DELETED ILLEGALLY -- This error occurs during MFORM if you delete a field with the editing keys. This error causes the program to terminate. There is no recovery.

FIELD MOVED OR DELETED -- This error occurs during CFORM if the system cannot find the field you are trying to move during the move field operation.

FIELD WILL NOT FIT ON LINE -- You are trying to move a field to a position where the end of the field will be off the screen. Pick a new location and move the field there.

FILE "filename" ALREADY EXISTS -- You have tried to store a form into a file that already exists. You can purge the old file and store the form, or store the form in another file or with the same name on a different volume. This error only occurs with the CFORM program.

FORMS LIMITED TO 255 LINES -- The maximum size of a form image is 255 lines. If a larger form is necessary, use two forms.

ILLEGAL FIELD OVERLAP -- You are trying to move a field to a position where it would overlap another field. You must pick a new location to which to move the field.

ILLEGAL POSITION FOR IN/OUT FIELD -- You are trying to move an input/output field to a location where there would be no non-field character before and after the input/output field. Pick a new location for the field.

IMPROPER FILE NAME -- The name you specified is an illegal file name.

IMPROPER FILL CHARACTER ENTERED -- The system reserves some characters for its use (for example, $\leftarrow$, $\uparrow$, etc.). You cannot use these for fill characters.

IMPROPER PROGRAM ENTRY -- You tried to enter a forms program at its entry point; CFRM, MFRM; and the program could not be found.

IMPROPER VOLUME LABEL OR UNIT SPECIFIER -- You specified a volume label or unit specifier with illegal characters. A volume name is a maximum of eight characters. A unit specifier has a syntax of:

:letter select code, device address, unit number

This syntax is completely described in the Eloquence Manual.

INVALID FIELD NUMBER -- This error may occur during an ordering operation when a field contains an invalid number (e.g., 1.1.1). The cursor will go to the first offending field. Enter a valid number. Check that all other fields contain valid numbers and try the operation again.

NO FILE "filename" EXISTS -- The system cannot find the file. If you used a unit specifier, try again with the volume label. Otherwise, exit the program and execute CAT, which lists the files currently stored.

OVERLAY FILE REVISION LEVEL CONFLICT -- An earlier version of CFRM or MFRM was loaded during an overlay operation.

POSITION WOULD JOIN TWO FIELDS -- You are trying to move a field to a position where there would be no non-input or output field character between it and a like field. Two input fields must have at least one non-input field character between them, similarly for output fields.

PROGRAM FILE REVISION LEVEL CONFLICT -- An earlier version of a forms program was loaded while the program was running.

SPECIFIED VOLUME NOT FOUND -- The volume specifier you gave does not match any of the available volume specifiers. Check that you entered the volume specifier correctly.

TOO MANY INPUT FIELDS -- You have tried to create more than 200 input fields. If more fields are needed, use two forms.

TOO MANY OUTPUT FIELDS -- You have tried to create more than 200 output fields. If more fields are needed, use two forms.

Eloquence Forms Manual - 19 DEC 2002