Sizing Individual Objects

Use the sizing handles to resize an object. When the pointer is positioned on a sizing handle, it changes shape to indicate the direction in which the object will be resized. Selected objects which don't have a handle cannot be resized. If the object has one of the geometry properties active, the left, top, right and/or bottom handles are replaced by arrow symbols, depending on the geometry mode.

Sizing an object is subject to a raster as defined by the parent object. For example, an ASCII DLG dialog type enforces positioning and sizing objects in a character raster. When using IDM dialogs this can be chosen for the parent object (a character based raster is the default).

To size an object

  1. Select the object.
  2. Drag the sizing handles to change the size of the object:

    The maximum size of an object is limited by its parent object, thus, when using the sizing handles, an object is forced to be entirely inside the parent's bounds.

    However, this can be overridden if the position is changed using the Object Property Window or the Status Bar. But be aware that the part of the object which overlaps the parent's bounds will not be displayed.

    Object geometry

    Using the xauto and yauto geometry properties, the position and/or size of an object is dynamically adjusted with the size of the object's parent. Although some file formats, such as ASCII DLG, do not directly support these properties, they are nevertheless made avaliable just for editing convenience and are stored in the dialog file using a special comment format so that they do not affect the runtime system.

    The geometry properties can be edited using the Object Property Window, they are located in the Position category.

    The following values can be used with the xauto property:

    The following values can be used with the yauto property:

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    Revision: 98/02/18