Eloquence Query Manual

A Syntax

RUN "QUERY [volume spec ]"

Begins Query operation.

ADD item list [ FROM "form name [ volume spec ]"]

Adds values to the data items or data set listed. A form can be used to input the values.

[ BREAK ON item ] [ TOTAL item list ]

Sets report breaks and their associated totals for the LIST or LINEAR LIST commands. TOTAL alone causes a grand total to be printed. A maximum of ten items can be totaled.

DATA BASE database [ volume spec ]

Causes future commands to operate on the specified database.

DELETE item list

Deletes data item values or entries from the data set. The data items must have been found by the previous FIND command.

DO "file name [ volume spec ]"

Transfers control to a file containing Query commands. At the end of the file, control transfers back to operator.


Terminates Query.

FIND item list FOR search expression

Finds entries which satisfy the search expression and copies the data items listed in the item list or the entire data entry (if the set name is in the item list) into the workfile.


Prints information about the database on the current output device.

LINEAR LIST ["heading"] [,item list]

Lists data items from the workfile in a linear format (one item per line) on the current output device using all BREAKS and TOTALS specified.

LIST ["heading"] [,item list]

Lists data items from the workfile in columnar format (one data entry per line) on the current output device using all BREAKS and TOTALS specified.

OUTPUT TO device [,"width" [,"length"] ]

Changes the output device or spool file for future LIST, LINEAR LIST and INFO commands.

PASSWORD password

Defines the password to be used for subsequent commands.

REPLACE item list

Replaces values for the data items specified which are in the workfile.

RUN "subprogram name [ volume spec ]"

Causes a report subprogram to be run.

SORT BY item list

Sorts the entries in the workfile by the data items listed. Data items are sorted in ascending order unless a D follows the data item name.

THREAD set1, set2 [;set2, set3 ... ]

Defines the order in which data sets are accessed during the FIND command.

WORKFILE "file name [ volume spec ]"

Specifies the workfile to be used for subsequent commands.

Chapter contents:

Eloquence Query Manual - 19 DEC 2002