5 How to Create Files

Creating a Workfile

When QUERY creates its own workfile it purges this file before it terminates. The file name is QRwf1x, where x is the user number.

To create a workfile which QUERY will use instead of creating its own, use the CREATE command.

CREATE filespec, number of defined records[, record length ]
You can create the file any size; however, if QUERY runs out of room when using it an error will occur.

For further information of the size of the workfile refer to Appendix C of the SORT Programming Manual.

Each time QUERY is run it creates two scratchfiles, with names of the following type: QRsc1X and QRsc2X where X 's a letter between A and O.

lf QUERY is allowed to create its own workfile, the name of this workfile will be of the following type: QRwf 1X where X is a letter between A and O.


Each time QUERY is exited normally, it will purge all files of either of the above types. Therefore, users must not create files with names beginning with QRwf or QRsc.

Eloquence Query Manual - 19 DEC 2002