5 Controlling Forms

The GET FORM Statement

The GET FORM statement displays a new form and loads the program-form linking information into memory. The syntax is:

GET FORM "form name [volume]"

Form name is the name of the form. Volume spec is a volume label or unit specifier.

When a form is displayed and the linking information is loaded, the form is active. To ensure that only one form is active at a time, GET FORM performs an EXIT FORM before the new form is activated.

The program uses GET FORM initially to display a form to be used for input and output or to change from one form to another. Once a form is activated, all item input and output is done through that form. (Item input and output is done with the INPUT, ENTER, DISP and PRINT statements.) Line output and input (LDISP, LENTER and PRINT) is done outside the form image and does not affect the form pointers.

Eloquence Forms Manual - 19 DEC 2002