9 Output Operations

The REFRESH Statement

NOTE: The REFRESH statement is available on the HP-UX platform, only. It has an effect on character oriented user interfaces, only.

The REFRESH statement refreshes the display of the terminal on your system. Its syntax is as follows:



REFRESH or REFRESH ON redraws the display of the terminal associated with the task executing the statement. The REFRESH statement is similar in effect to pressing CTRL L on the terminal's keyboard.

Screen refreshment is done in two steps. First the internal screen buffer will be maintained. Then terminal image will be updated from internal screen buffer.

REFRESH OFF will suppress updating of terminal image. So it's possible to save some i/o time and prevent terminal flicker.

REFRESH ON will update terminal image from internal screen buffer and re-establish automatic updating of terminal image. REFRESH ON is executed implied every time Eloquence waits for a user interaction (INPUT, LINPUT, WAIT, PAUSE), because the screen has to be up to date.

Eloquence Language Manual - 19 DEC 2002