1 Eloquence Dialog System
All statements begin with DLG for DIALOG. A return variable can be specified for each statement. If a return variable is present, a run-time error specific to the dialog system does not lead to an Eloquence run-time error. Instead, the return variable will contain the corresponding error number.
DLG STOP has the same effect on the dialog system as the STOP statement on the Eloquence program execution. All windows are closed and all dialogs deleted.
DLG STOP is executed automatically when the Eloquence program terminates.
DLG LOAD "File Name" [;Rv]
DLG LOAD reads the corresponding Dialog Resource file and generates the dialogs defined in it. For the syntax specifications of Dialog Reaource files see chapter , Dialog Resource File,
The DLG LOAD statement checks the syntax of the dialog file and reports a self explaining error message to the screen, if it is executed interactively.
For example:
DLG LOAD "dialog.dlg" LINE #5: DLG NEW "Test.select","Lisrbox" faile
DLG NEW "ObjectPath","ClassName" [;Rv]
The DLG NEW statement creates an dialog object dynamically.
You have to specify the object path and an object type.
It's also possible to specify an object path instead of the object type. The specified object and all it's children are copied to the given target path.
With this functionality you are able to use Models in your dialogs. For more information about Models in ASCII DLG see chapter , Using Models, more information concerning Dialog Manager Models, see the Dialog Manager Manual.
DLG DEL "ObjectPath" [;Rv]
DLG DEL deletes the specified object and all its children.
DLG SET "ObjectPath.Attribute",ValueSpec [;Rv]
DLG SET modifies the attributes of objects. Valid arguments are numeric values, strings and string arrays, depending on the attribute type. To set the content attribute of objects of class Edittext and Listbox use either a string variable or a string array as an argument. If you use a string variable as an argument, use the newline character (CHR$(10)) as a line separator. If you use a string array as an argument, place each element on a different line.
DLG GET "ObjectPath.Attribute",Variable [;Rv]
DLG GET is used to get the attributes values of objects. Valid arguments are numeric variables, string variables and string arrays, depending on attribute type.
To get the contents of objects of class Edittext and Listbox use either a string variable or a string array as an argument. If you use a string variable as an argument, the newline character (CHR$(10)) is used as a line separator. If you use a string array as an argument, each element is placed on a different line.
DLG DRAW "ObjectPath" [;Rv]
Setting attributes will not affect the display until DLG DRAW or DLG DO are executed. DLG DRAW refeshes the dialog and displayes it, if it is not currently visible.
To make the dialog invisible again, set the .visible attribute to false.
DLG DO "Dialog.Path" [ [,ExitRule] [,ExitObject]] [;Rv]
DLG DO starts the dialog handling. If the focus for an object of the dialog has not previously been set, either the last active object will remain active, or the focus is set to the first available object.
NOTE: With Dialog Manager it is not possible to set the focus on an invisible dialog.
If the variables Exit_Rule (numeric) and Exit_Object$ (string) are used, they are set to the object path and to the .rule value of the object, which had the focus when the dialog terminated. If the dialog was terminated by pressing a function key, the appropriate value will be returned.
A dialog terminates when either a pushbutton is pressed or when an object is executed and the rule value of this object is neither zero nor -1.
DLG HELP "HelpTag" [;Rv]
DLG HELP activates the online help subsystem explicitly from inside your application using the help tag as the keyword to search in the help text file. Normally the help subsystem is called from within the dialog.
If the keyword does not exist, DLG HELP returns without an error. If Rv was specified, it contains the error number 663.
For more information on using Help see chapter , Help Subsystem,