2 Migrating HP 260 Applications

Transferring HP 260 Files

This discussion assumes that the HP 260 application to be transferred is on a fixed disk or cartridge tape. The following steps explain the transfer process:

  1. Login at the HP-UX prompt.

  2. Use the HP-UX mkdir command to create a directory for the application.

For example, enter:

mkdir /extra/migrate/vol1

  1. Change to this directory by entering the following:

cd /extra/migrate/vol1

  1. If transferring your HP 260 application from a fixed disk, connect the disk to the HP 9000 Series 800.

If transferring your HP 260 application from a cartridge tape, insert the tape into the appropriate drive. If you are using a cartridge tape autochanger (HP 35401), insert the cartridge tape in the first drive.

  1. Find out the device file name (character device file) of your fixed disk or cartridge tape drive. /dev/rdsk/c1001d0s2 is an example of a device file name for a disk. /dev/rct/c1002d0s2 is an example of a device file name for a cartridge tape drive.

  2. Transfer the files on the fixed disk or cartridge tape into the current directory of the HP 9000 Series 800 using the following command:

ctd260 -xv device file name

It is possible to transfer only selected files. Refer to page 25 for more information.

  1. Verify that the ctd260 command executed successfully by entering the following command:


This command displays all files with the extension .DATA, .PROG, .FORM, .R260, and .DSET.

  1. If you have an application that supports several volumes, you can create several directories (for example, /extra/migrate/vol2 and so on) and you can then put the files into the appropriate directory using the HP-UX mv command. These volumes must be defined in your user, group, or global Eloquence configuration file.

HP260 to Eloquence Migration - 13 FEB 2003