2 Migrating HP 260 Applications

Initiating HP 260 Program Analysis

The process of program analysis refers to checking HP 260 program (.PROG) files for the following:

Checking HP 260 programs for binary code is done on the HP 260 using the BINCHK program, while the remaining part of the analysis process is performed on the HP 9000 Series 800. For this reason, the discussion pertaining to program analysis is divided into two sections within this chapter.

This section discusses what must be done on the HP 260 side. page 21 discusses what must be done on the HP 9000 Series 800 after the HP 260 files have been transferred.

NOTE: The process of checking for statements not implemented or that work differently in Eloquence can be done on the HP 260 instead of the HP 9000 Series 800. This is done by using the HP 260 KWDS utility. This utility is normally used by those considering migrating to Eloquence. The information produced can be useful in determining the amount of work necessary to convert HP 260 program files to Eloquence program files. Documentation accompanies the KWDS utility software.


This procedure is only for HP 260 program files (files of type .PROG).

Eloquence is not able to process HP 260 binary programs. It can only execute HP 260 BASIC intermediate code. For this reason a check must be made to find out what application programs contain binary code. To do this, start the binary test program on the HP 260 using the following command:

RUN "BINCHK [,volume name] "

When the program starts, the screen displays all the devices linked to the HP 260, together with their volume names and device addresses. The message Please select a device is displayed. Press the softkey that indicates where the application software is stored. Check that the word SELECTED appears on screen next to the required volume name. If it does not, press softkey EXIT then softkey RESTART and select again.

At this point, the BINCHK program checks the selected device for programs containing binary code. Once this is done, the message Please enter a printer number appears. Type in a valid printer number. The programs found containing binary code are then printed.

The checking procedure is completed properly when the message BINCHK completed appears. You can interrupt the BINCHK program at any time by pressing END PROGRAM.

The next step is to use a series of commands that will automatically remove the binary code from a program. Here is an example using a program named DBMAP1:

Erases any program and data in memory and loads DBMAP1 and any accompanying binary programs.

Creates a data file (dbmap1) and saves the program currently in memory (DBMAP1) into the file dbmap1 without the binaries. Note that this information is saved as string data.

Clears DBMAP1 and associated files from memory.

Reads into memory the dbmap1 file minus any binary code; thus, the correction needed is made.

Stores the file currently in memory into the program file DBMAP1 (now without binaries).

Deletes the file dbmap1.

If a GET statement causes an error message in a program line of one of your applications, you have probably either not loaded the TOOLS DROM or you are using non-supported binaries. Example:

   GET "dbmap8"

   1120  ACCEPT ID$

In this case the TOOLS DROM has not been loaded.

NOTE: The file names must not contain a slash ("/"). The following characters could also lead to conflict if used in file names: $ * : [ ] ( ).

HP260 to Eloquence Migration - 13 FEB 2003