The Eloquence installation program for the Windows platform now contains all software components in a single executable. This simplifies downloading the software and helps to eliminate problems during installation. It is still possible to select which components should be installed.
If you have configured additional eloqdb6 server instances they are now completely retained, including their Startup Type. After installation your additional eloqdb6 server instances are ready to use and can be started from the Service Control Panel.
The Windows default printer may now be configured in the eloq.config configuration file.
In the example below, PRINTER 0 is assigned the Windows default printer:
The Windows default printer is dynamically queried. Therefore, if the Windows default printer is changed while an Eloquence program is running, the new default printer is used the next time the printer is opened with the PRINTER IS statement.
The Variables toolwindow now orders the list of variables by name.
The editor windows now support mouse wheel scrolling. When holding the SHIFT key while using the mouse wheel, scolling is accelerated by factor 10.
Using Ctrl+Tab to switch between windows in the IDE workspace now works when a File Open window is open.
The integrated dialog editor of the Eloquence IDE now supports the new JDLG attributes .fgcolor and .bgcolor. The previous change to the .fgc and .bgc attributes has been reverted so that .fgc and .bgc again require an integer value (as in the original implementation). To provide string color values in JDLG .fgcolor and .bgcolor should be used.
In case this implementation causes problems with particular DLG files it is possible to fallback to the original implementation of the dialog editor as below:
The Eloquence eloqcgi web integration utility is now available for the Windows platform. It is installed in the Eloquence lbin subdirectory (for example: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\lbin\eloq.cgi).
The eloqcgi documentation has been updated accordingly.
The following changes apply to the RUNSRV32.EXE component on Windows:
The syntax for an access entry is:
{allow|deny} = {All | ip-address [/ [netmask | addrbits]]}ip-address is an IP v4 address, such as
Example 1:
allow access to all addresses in the local network
[access] allow =
Example 2:
same as above, but exclude the address
[access] allow = deny =
For full backwards compatibility, access is not restricted by default (equivalent to allow=all).
A new eloqcl.ini.sam configuration template file is installed in the Eloquence etc subdirectory (for example: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\etc\eloqcl.ini.sam) which includes a template for the new [access] section.
If the RUNSRV32.EXE should be automatically started when the Windows PC is booted or a user logs in, a shortcut to RUNSRV32.EXE must be manually added to the Windows autostart program group.
The eloqsd on Windows now allows to configure the method how users are authenticated. This is controlled with the [Config] AuthPolicy configuration item in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file:
This authentication method has been used in previous eloqsd versions and is still recommended. It is therefore the default.
AuthPolicy=user requires the eloqsd process to run as an account different from the default Windows SYSTEM account. The necessary configuration steps are:
Please note:
To overcome this limit, the size of the Windows desktop heap for the non-interactive windowstation must be increased.
This requires to change a Windows registry entry with the Windows regedit or regedit32 tool. Please note that this must be done with extreme care, as doing the wrong changes to a registry value can prevent Windows from operating correctly.
The necessary procedure is documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base document #184802.
Locate the following value in the Windows registry (you must be administrator to edit this value):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\ Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\WindowsThis is a string value consisting of multiple sections. Locate the section starting with SharedSection=, it should have 3 parameters which are comma-separated.
Example: SharedSection=1024,3072,512
The 3rd parameter (in this case 512) is the one which must be increased. If you find only 2 parameters you can add the 3rd parameter yourself.
You can set the 3rd parameter as high as the 2nd (in this case 3072), but this is often too much. Increase it in steps of 256 until your problem is solved.
Windows must be restarted afterwards to activate this change.
The new [Config] LogonType configuration item in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file is used with AuthPolicy=server (see above) to specify how a user is logged-on to Windows:
Unless this is used on a Windows Domain Controller, this mode should not require to configure any additional user rights.
However, on a Windows Domain Controller, interactive access is denied to non-administrative accounts by default. To overcome this, the "allow log on locally" user right must be granted (see below).
The new default is "interactive". To retain the previous behavior, it is required to manually configure LogonType=batch.
To grant either the "allow log on locally" or "log on as a batch job" user right, the following configuration steps are required:
Please note: On a Windows Domain Controller please open the Domain Controller Security Policy editor instead (not the similarly named Domain Security Policy editor!).
The eloqsd.cfg.sam and eloqsd.user.sam configuration template files have been updated to reflect the new configuration options.