The Net.DLL must be loaded before it can be used in a program:
LOAD DLL Net,1024
This loads the Net.DLL from its default location and establishes a communication buffer of 1024 bytes. For details about the Eloquence LOAD DLL statement please refer to the Eloquence documentation.
The DEL DLL statement may be used to unload the DLL:
The following procedures are available to return information on the Net.DLL or enable logging.
This enables logging of debug messages to the specified file.
Any previous log file is closed. If the file name is empty
no log file is opened.
Errors: 2001
The Eloquence Net.DLL implements the following procedures:
In case of a failure, the Net.DLL issues the following error codes:
18 | Receive buffer is too small. |
2001 | Log file cannot be opened. |
2002 | Already conected to server. |
2003 | Bad service name or port number. |
2004 | Bad host name or IP address. |
2005 | Unable to connect to host. |
2006 | Not connected to server. |
2007 | Close on socket failed. |
2008 | Send failed. |
2009 | Receive failed. |
2010 | Receive timed out. |
To gather details about the cause of the specific failure, a log file should be configured.
The following examples document how the Net.DLL could be used in a program, including a demonstration of error handling.
The first example illustrates a TCP communication. It connects to a web server on TCP port 80 and fetches the root document.
This example is installed as TCPDEMO.PROG in the Eloquence share/example installation subdirectory.
! RE-STORE "TCPDEMO,EXAMPLE" ! ! This is a sample application using the Net.DLL. ! It fetches the index.html page from the server using the ! HTTP protocol and displays the HTML source code on screen. ! DIM Server$[80],Uri$[80],Buf$[1024] INTEGER Timeout ON ERROR GOTO Failed ! Server$="" ! Server to connect Uri$="/" ! Document on server Timeout=10000 ! Receive timeout ! ! LOAD DLL and display version/build date ! LOAD DLL Net,1024 CALL DLL Net("dll_Revision",Rev$) CALL DLL Net("dll_Compiled",Build$) DISP "Loaded Net.DLL v"&Rev$&" ("&Build$&")" ! ! Connect to server ! DISP "Connecting to "&Server$ CALL DLL Net("Connect",Server$,"80") ! DISP "Sending request for "&Uri$ Buf$="GET "&Uri$&" HTTP/1.0"&CHR$(10)&CHR$(10) CALL DLL Net("Send",Buf$) ! DISP "--- Server Response ---" LOOP CALL DLL Net("Recv",Buf$,1024,Timeout) EXIT IF NOT LEN(Buf$) LOOP P=POS(Buf$,CHR$(10)) EXIT IF NOT P LDISP Buf$[1,P] Buf$=Buf$[P+1] END LOOP IF LEN(Buf$) THEN LDISP Buf$; END LOOP DISP "--- End of Data ---" ! DISP "Disconnecting" CALL DLL Net("Disconnect") DISP "Done." DEL DLL Net STOP ! Failed: ! DISP LIN(1);"-- Program failed --" DISP ERRM$ IF (ERRN<2001) OR (ERRN>2010) THEN DISP ERRMSG$(ERRN) ELSE DATA 2001,"Log file cannot be opened" DATA 2002,"Already conected to server" DATA 2003,"Bad service name or port number" DATA 2004,"Bad host name or ip address" DATA 2005,"Unable to connect to host" DATA 2006,"Not connected to server" DATA 2007,"Close on socket failed" DATA 2008,"Send failed" DATA 2009,"Receive failed" DATA 2010,"Receive timed out" DATA -1,"Error message not found" ! RESTORE Failed REPEAT READ Err,Buf$ UNTIL (Err=ERRN) OR (Err=-1) DISP "Net.DLL: "&Buf$ END IF STOP
The second example illustrates an UDP communication. It uses the UDP echo
protocol (UDP port 7) which responds by simply sending back the exact data
it received.
This example is installed as UDPDEMO.PROG in the Eloquence share/example installation subdirectory.
! RE-STORE "UDPDEMO,EXAMPLE" ! ! This is a sample application using the Net.DLL. ! It uses the UDP echo protocol (port 7) to send a datagram ! and then expects a reply datagram with the same contents. ! Note: This program won't work unless you change the server ! address below to the address of one of your machines and ! change the (x)inetd configuration so that this machine ! answers to incoming UDP echo requests. ! DIM Server$[80],Buf$[80] INTEGER Timeout ON ERROR GOTO Failed ! Server$="" ! Server to connect Timeout=1000 ! Receive timeout ! ! LOAD DLL and display version/build date ! LOAD DLL Net,1024 CALL DLL Net("dll_Revision",Rev$) CALL DLL Net("dll_Compiled",Build$) DISP "Loaded Net.DLL v"&Rev$&" ("&Build$&")" ! ! Connect to server ! DISP "Connecting to "&Server$ CALL DLL Net("ConnectUDP",Server$,"7") ! DISP "Sending echo request" Buf$="A TEST MESSAGE" CALL DLL Net("Send",Buf$) ! DISP "Waiting for echo response" Buf$="WILL BE OVERWRITTEN" CALL DLL Net("Recv",Buf$,80,Timeout) DISP "Response: ["&Buf$&"]" ! DISP "Disconnecting" CALL DLL Net("Disconnect") DISP "Done." DEL DLL Net STOP ! Failed: ! DISP LIN(1);"-- Program failed --" DISP ERRM$ IF (ERRN<2001) OR (ERRN>2010) THEN DISP ERRMSG$(ERRN) ELSE DATA 2001,"Log file cannot be opened" DATA 2002,"Already conected to server" DATA 2003,"Bad service name or port number" DATA 2004,"Bad host name or ip address" DATA 2005,"Unable to connect to host" DATA 2006,"Not connected to server" DATA 2007,"Close on socket failed" DATA 2008,"Send failed" DATA 2009,"Receive failed" DATA 2010,"Receive timed out" DATA -1,"Error message not found" ! RESTORE Failed REPEAT READ Err,Buf$ UNTIL (Err=ERRN) OR (Err=-1) DISP "Net.DLL: "&Buf$ END IF STOP