The following problems and limitations are known with the Eloquence B.07.00 product release:
zip = |gzip -c >/backup unzip = |gzip -dc /backupWhen performing an backup to the "zip" destination this will cause the backup file to be compressed. A dbrestore from the "unzip" source is used to restore the data.
DEF FNFunction(STRUCT This)=(This.Member<>0) -> Assertion failed: (cg == 1) file codegen.c, line 1142
For example:
Error=FNMake_label(Base$,Label$(*),Fu_ns.Titles$(*), Fu_ns.Address$(*), Fu_ns.City$,Fu_ns.State$,Fu_ns.Zip$, Fu_ns.Country_code$)A subsequent LIST will remove the "(*)" from the Fu_ns.Address$ argument.
The HP260 made it possible to embed NUL characters into strings. While Eloquence is able to execute such a program, the program listing is inconsistent, since a NUL character is used internally as a string terminator. This may cause program corruption if such a program line is modified. Embedded NUL characters are now converted into a CHR$(0) expression. However this may cause a syntax error when a string constant is replaced by an expression due to an embedded NUL character when only a string constant is valid.
IF Condition THEN LET Instance.Member=25
FOR I=1 TO A STEP CThe problem is, that the keyword AS is recognized erroneously. As a workaround, simply use a different variable name or use an expression (eg. A+0). (#D454)
QFIND internally uses DBFIND to position into the index and then retrieves data in index order until the max. value is exhausted. However the max. value is checked using collating sequence (this is required to handle national characters properly, eg. in German A umlaut needs to be inserted between A and B).
If the max. value is greater (or less) than the first index value retrieved from the index, this will result in either an empty result or an unexpected number of result records. (#D493).
We have found the following workaround: If you are affected you might want to try to add the following lines after the CRTCOLS= statement:
WAIT 1 REFRESHThe WAIT statement or another delay is required.
The workaround is to use HP terminals and the WRQ Reflection/1 emulation software in the EM220 mode. Eloquence B.07.00 includes a terminal definition for the em220 terminal type which can be used with HP terminal types.
The list of terminals which are capable to switch between 80/132 column mode is hard coded into eloqcore. Eloqcore returns error 880 when the terminal type is not included in this list.
Failed to set screen buffer size: The parameter is incorrect (errno 87) eloqcore: Unable to setup i/o systemThe eloqsd, eqstart and IDE start facilities adjust the console window properties accordingly. However, should eloqcore be started from the command prompt or from within a batch file the console window size must be set to 25x80, else eloqcore will not start.