Eloquence  Eloquence B.07.00 Release Notes

Eloquence B.07.00 - TurboIMAGE compatibility

DBINFO modes

Eloquence implements all DBINFO modes which are provided with TurboIMAGE. For each DBINFO mode a short functional overview is provided with additional notes to describe specifc Eloquence behavior or limitations. For a detailed description of the DBINFO modes please refer to the TurboIMAGE documentation.

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Related documentation:

  • HP3000 TurboIMAGE documentation 30391-90012, revision E0701
    an on-line version is available at at http://docs.hp.com ( HTML PDF ).


Eloquence provides all DBINFO modes. For each DBINFO mode a short description is provided along with notes which describe possible Eloquence specific behavior.

DBINFO mode 101

  Mode 101:  Item Number

  Mode 101 defines the type of access available for a specific item.

  Qualifier  identifies the data item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | +/- Data item number               |

             If the data item number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data item.  If the number is negative, the
             data item can be updated or the entry containing it can be
             added or deleted in at least one data set.


  - Data item number is always negative since Eloquence does
    not support item level security. All data items are considered 

DBINFO mode 102

  Mode 102:  Item Name

  Mode 102 describes a specific data item.

  Qualifier  identifies the data item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-8      | Data item name                     |
  |      9       | One of the following data types    |
  |              | followed by a blank:               |
  |              |        I, J, K, R, U, X, Z, P      |
  |      10      | Sub-item length                    |
  |      11      | Sub-item count                     |
  |      12      | 0                                  |
  |      13      | 0                                  |

             The data item name is left-justified and will be padded with
             blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters.


  - Element 12 returns the Eloquence format number which
    can be defined in the schema processor or modified in 
    DBUTIL (B.07.00).

  - The 'R' item type is supported in TurboIMAGE compatibility 
    only, values are expected to be encoded in IEEE format.
    Native Eloquence considers this an 'E' type.

  - The 'J' item type is supported in TurboIMAGE compatibility
    only. Native Eloquence considers this an 'I' type.

DBINFO mode 103

  Mode 103:  Items in Database

  Mode 103 identifies data items available in the database and displays the
  type of access allowed.  This mode does not identify unreferenced data
  items, that is, those items that are defined in the item section of the
  schema but are not referenced by at least one data set.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | +/- Data item number 1             |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data item number n             |

             If the data item number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data item.  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access to the given data
             set.  The data items are listed in data item number order.


  - Data item number is always negative since Eloquence does
    not support item level security. All data items are considered 

DBINFO mode 104

  Mode 104:  Items in Data Set

  Mode 104 identifies data items available in a specific data set and the
  type of access allowed.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | +/- Data item number 1             |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data item number n             |

             If the data item number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data item.  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access in the given data
             set.  The data items are listed in order of occurrence in data


  - Data item number is always negative since Eloquence does
    not support item level security. All data items are considered 

DBINFO mode 113

  Mode 113:  BTREEMODE1 and Wildcard Character

  Mode 113 gives the settings of BTREEMODE1 and wildcard character in the
  root file as well as current DBOPEN (DBU).

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | btreemode1 setting in root file    |
  |              | 0 if btreemode1 is off             |
  |              | 1 if btreemode1 is on              |
  |      2       | The first byte (8 bits) is         |
  |              | alwasys 0. The second byte         |
  |              | (8 bits) represents c, where c     |
  |              | is the current wildcard character. |
  |              | For example, if the current        |
  |              | wildcard character is @, the       |
  |              | element's hex value will be $0040, |
  |              | or decimal 64.                     |
  |              | This is from the root file         |
  |      3       | Highest B-Tree argument version    |
  |              | supported (0 for the first B-Tree  |
  |              | release version).                  |
  |      4       | Number of sets with B-Trees        |
  |              | indices attached.                  |
  |      5       | btreemode1 setting for DBOPEN      |
  |              | 0 if btreemode1 is off             |
  |              | 1 if btreemode1 is on              |
  |      6       | The first byte (8 bits) is         |
  |              | alwasys 0. The second byte         |
  |              | (8 bits) represents c, where c     |
  |              | is the current wildcard character. |
  |              | For example, if the current        |
  |              | wildcard character is @, the       |
  |              | element's hex value will be $0040, |
  |              | or decimal 64.                     |
  |              | This is for the current DBOPEN.    |
  |     7-16     | (reserved)                         |


  - Btreemode1 is not supported with Eloquence B.07.00 PR#6
    and static values are returned.

    Element   Value
    1         Always 0
    2         Default wildcard (2nd character) is '@'
    3-4       Always 0
    5         As defined by DBCONTROL mode 15, defaults to 0
    6         As defined by DBCONTROL mode 15, default wildcard is '@'
    7-16      (Binary) zero

    DBCONTROL mode 15 is not supported with B.07.00

DBINFO mode 201

  Mode 201:  Set Number

  Mode 201 defines the type of access available for a specific data set.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | +/- Data set number                |

             If the data set number is positive, the user class has only
             read access.  If the number is negative, the user class has
             both read and write access.

DBINFO mode 202

  Mode 202:  Set Name

  Mode 202 describes a specific data set.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-8      | Data set name                      |
  |      9       | One of the following set types     |
  |              | followed by a blank:               |
  |              |        M, A, D                     |
  |      10      | Entry length                       |
  |      11      | Blocking factor                    |
  |      12      | 0                                  |
  |      13      | 0                                  |
  |    14-15     | Number of entries in set           |
  |    16-17     | Capacity of set                    |

             The data set name is left-justified and will be padded with
             blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters.


  - Element 11 returns always 0 since blocking factor does not 
    apply to Eloquence.

  - Capacity in Eloquence returns the highest record number ever 
    used for the data set.

DBINFO mode 203

  Mode 203:  Sets in Database

  Mode 203 identifies all data sets available in a database and the type of
  access allowed.  If you are using third-party indexing, this mode does
  not show third-party index files.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Set count x                        |
  |      2       | +/- Data set number 1              |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data set number n              |

             If the data set number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data set and possibly is in the write class
             list of specific data item(s).  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access.  The data sets are
             listed in data set number order.

DBINFO mode 204

  Mode 204:  Sets with Item

  Mode 204 identifies all data sets available which contain a specified
  data item and indicates the type of access allowed.

  Qualifier  identifies the data item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Set count x                        |
  |      2       | +/- Data set number 1              |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data set number n              |

             If the data set number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data set and possibly is in the write class
             list of specific data item(s).  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access.  The data sets are
             listed in data set number order.

DBINFO mode 205

  Mode 205:  Set Capacity

  Mode 205 is an extension of mode 202 with dynamic capacity expansion

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-8      | Data set name                      |
  |      9       | One of the following set types     |
  |              | followed by a blank:               |
  |              |        M, A, D                     |
  |      10      | Entry length                       |
  |      11      | Blocking factor                    |
  |      12      | 0                                  |
  |      13      | 0                                  |
  |    14-15     | Number of entries in set           |
  |    16-17     | Capacity of set                    |
  |    18-19     | High-water mark                    |
  |    20-21     | Maximum capacity                   |
  |    22-23     | Initial capacity                   |
  |    24-25     | Incremental number of entries      |
  |      26      | Incremental percent                |
  |      27      | Dynamic capacity expansion flag    |
  |              | (0 = off, 1 = on)                  |

             The data set name is left-justified and will be padded with
             blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters.

             Mode 205 can be used for any master or detail data set with or
             without dynamic capacity expansion capability.

             Mode 205 allows users to obtain information on dynamic data
             set capacity expansion programmatically.  It is an extension
             of mode 202 to include dynamic capacity expansion information
             such as maximum capacity, initial capacity, incremental number
             of entries, incremental percent, and the dynamic capacity
             expansion flag (0 for off and 1 for on) for the data set.


  - Eloquence returns static values for some elements

    Element   Value
    11        Returns 0 since blocking factor does not 
              apply to Eloquence.
    18-19     Returns 0
    20-21     Returns 2^31-1 (2147483647)
              Capacity does not apply to Eloquence
    22-23     Returns 0
    24-25     Returns 1
    26        Returns 0
    27        Returns 1 to indicate that data set expands on demand.

  - Dynamic extension of a data set is handled by the data base 
    server and implementation details like blocking factor, water 
    marks or initial capacity are not available or do not apply.

  - Capacity in Eloquence returns the highest record number ever 
    used for the data set.

DBINFO mode 206

  Mode 206:  Number of Data Set Chunks

  Mode 206 gives the number of chunks in a data set in short format.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | # of chunks in a jumbo data set    |

             If the data set is not a jumbo data set, zero is returned
             for the number of chunks.


  - Eloquence returns static value of 0. The concept of JUMBO 
    data sets does not apply to Eloquence.

DBINFO mode 207

  Mode 207:  Size of Data Set Chunks

  Mode 207 identifies the size of each chunk in terms of IMAGE records
  in addition to providing the number of chunks.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | # of chunks in a jumbo data set    |
  |      2       | 0                                  |
  |      3-4     | Size of chunk 1                    |
  |              | (# entries, not # of blocks!)      |
  |      5-6     | Size of chunk 2                    |
  |              | (# entries, not # of blocks!)      |
  |      7-8     | ...                                |
  |     2n+3     | Size of chunk n                    |
  |              | (# entries, not # of blocks!)      |

             Total size: (n + 1) * 4 bytes.

             If the data set is not a jumbo data set, zero is returned
             for the number of chunks.


  - Eloquence returns static value of 0 for element 1 and 2. 
    The concept of JUMBO data sets does not apply to Eloquence.

DBINFO mode 208

  Mode 208:  Primary and Actual Capacity

  Mode 208 returns the primary and actual capacity.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     must be at least a 64-byte record and returns the following
             (each element is a 32-bit Word):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Primary (hashing) capacity         |
  |              | for masters, 0 for details         |
  |      2       | Current capacity,                  |
  |              | including expansions               |
  |      3       | Maximum capacity                   |
  |      4       | Expansion threshold:               |
  |              | -1 .. 100  percentage              |
  |              | -1  this value means expansion     |
  |              |     not triggered by percentage,   |
  |              |     or it is a non-expandable set  |
  |      5       | Delete chain free head             |
  |              | (0 for non-expanded masters)       |
  |      6       | high-water mark                    |
  |              | (0 for non-expanded masters)       |
  |      7       | Expansion threshold:               |
  |              | -1 .. 2  billion blocks            |
  |              | -1  this value means expansion     |
  |              |     not triggered by traversing #  |
  |              |     blocks without success, or     |
  |              |     it is a non-expandable set     |
  |     8-16     | Reserved; 0 is returned            |

  DBINFO mode 208 does not return an expandable flag, while DBINFO 205 returns
  an expandable flag. The flag can also be deduced by comparing the current and
  maximum capacities in DBINFO 208.

  DBINFO mode 208 returns information about internals which will be meaningful to
  only a few customers.


  - Eloquence returns mostly static values 

    Element   Value
    1         Always 0 because we don't use hashing
    2         Current number of entries in data set
    3         2^31-1 (2147483647) for max. capacity
    4         -1 for no expansion threshold
    5         0 for no delete chain head free head
    6         0 for no high water mark
    7         -1 for no expansion threshold

  - This DBINFO mode exposes some TurboIMAGE implementation
    details which have no corresponding equivalent in Eloquence.

DBINFO mode 209

  Mode 209:  B-Tree Attachment

  Mode 209 informs whether or not a B-Tree exists for a master.

  Qualifier  is a master data set name or number.

  Buffer     must be at least a 64-byte record and returns the following
             (each element is a 16-bit Word):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | 0 if no b-tree index exists        |
  |              | 1 if b-tree index exists           |
  |      2       | 0 if attached B-Tree not damaged   |
  |              |   or index does not exist          |
  |              | 1 if the attached B-Tree index     |
  |              |   is damaged                       |
  |      3       | For internal use                   |


  - Btreemode1 is not supported with Eloquence B.07.00 PR#6
    and static values are returned.

    Element   Value
    1         Returns 0, btreemode1 is not supported
    2         Returns 0

DBINFO mode 301

  Mode 301:  Paths

  Mode 301 identifies the paths defined for a specified data set.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Path count x                       |
  |      2       | Data set number of path 1          |
  |      3       | Search item number of path 1       |
  |      4       | Sort item number of path 1         |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |     3n-1     | Data set number of path n          |
  |      3n      | Search item number of path n       |
  |     3n+1     | Sort item number of path n         |

             Elements 2 to 4 are repeated for each path.

             If qualifier specifies a master data set, the set number
             identifies the detail data set.

             If qualifier specifies a detail data set, the set number
             identifies the master data set.

             If qualifier specifies a master data set, the item numbers
             identify items in the detail data sets.  If you do not have
             access to a search item, it is not included in the path count
             and the path information is not returned.  If a sort item does
             not exist or you do not have access to it, the sort item
             number is zero.

             Path designators are presented in the order in which they
             appear in the schema.


  - Since Eloquence does not support item level security
    the search and sort item are always returned.

DBINFO mode 302

  Mode 302:  Key or Search Item

  Mode 302 identifies the key or search item for a specified data set.  For
  this mode the two qualifiers are shown separately.

  Qualifier  identifies the master data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Key item number                    |
  |      2       | 0                                  |

             If qualifier specifies a master data set, the key item number
             is the number in the master set.  The number is 0 if you do
             not have access to the key item.


  Qualifier  identifies the detail data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Search item number                 |
  |      2       | Master data set number             |

             If qualifier specifies a detail data set, the primary search
             item and the related master data set number are returned.
             Both numbers are 0 if you do not have access to the search


  - Since Eloquence does not support item level security
    the search item is always returned.

DBINFO mode 401

  Mode 401:  Logging

  Mode 401 obtains information related to logging.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-4      | Log identifier name                |
  |      5       | Database log flag                  |
  |      6       | User log flag                      |
  |      7       | Transaction flag                   |
  |     8-9      | User transaction number            |

             The log identifier name is left-justified and padded with
             blanks if shorter than 8 characters.

             If the database is enabled for logging, the database log flag
             is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If you are logging, the user log flag is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If you have a transaction in progress, the transaction flag is
             1; otherwise it is 0.

             The user transaction number is one word.


  - Eloquence does not support user mode logging and
    returns static values.

    Element   Value
    1-4       spaces
    5-7       0
    8         0

DBINFO mode 402

  Mode 402:  ILR

  Mode 402 returns information about Intrinsic Level Recovery (ILR).

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | ILR log flag                       |
  |      2       | Calendar date (mmddyy)             |
  |     3-4      | Clock time (one word in format     |
  |              | hhmmsstt)                          |
  |      5       | 0                                  |
  |     6-14     | _                                  |
  |    15-16     | Reserved                           |

             If the database is enabled for ILR, the ILR log flag is 1;
             otherwise it is 0.

             The calendar date is the date ILR was enabled.

             The clock time is the time ILR was enabled.

             Element 5 is always 0.

             _ indicates blank.  Elements 6 to 14 are always blank.

             Elements 15 and 16 are reserved.


  - ILR does not apply to Eloquence, static values are returned.

    Element   Value
    1         0
    2         0
    3-4       0

DBINFO mode 403

  Mode 403:  Dynamic Roll-Back

  Mode 403 obtains information related to dynamic transaction activity on a
  given database.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-4      | Log identifier name                |
  |      5       | Database log flag                  |
  |      6       | User log flag                      |
  |      7       | Logical transaction flag           |
  |     8-9      | User transaction number            |
  |    10-11     | XM log set size (in megabytes)     |
  |      12      | XM log set type                    |
  |      13      | Database attached flag             |
  |      14      | Dynamic transaction flag           |
  |    15-26     | XM log set name                    |

             The log identifier name is left-justified and padded with
             blanks if shorter than 8 characters.

             If the database is enabled for logging, the database log flag
             is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If you are logging, the user log flag is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If no logical transaction is in progress, the transaction flag
             is 0.  If a static transaction is in progress, the flag is set
             to 1; if a multiple database transaction is in progress, the
             flag is set to 2.

             The user transaction number is one word.

             The Transaction Management (XM) log set is measured in

             If the XM log set is circular, the log set type is CR;
             otherwise it is LN indicating a linear log.

             If the database is attached to XM, the database attached flag
             is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If the user is processing a dynamic transaction, the dynamic
             transaction flag is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If the database is associated with the default XM user log
             set, the XM log set name element contains blanks; otherwise it
             contains the name of the XM log set.


  - This mode returns implementation details on transactions
    which do not apply to Eloquence, static values are 

    Element   Value
    1-4       spaces
    5         0, user mode logging is not supported
    6         0, user mode logging is not supported
    7         0, static transactions are not supported
    8-9       returns the transaction identifier or zero if no 
              (dynamic) transaction is active
    10-11     0, does not apply since log size is dynamic
    12        returns 'LN'
    13        returns 1
    14        return the current transaction nesting level
    15-26     spaces

DBINFO mode 404

  Mode 404:  Logging Subsystem Information

  Mode 404 returns information about multiple database transactions.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Database log flag                  |
  |      2       | User log flag                      |
  |      3       | Roll-back log flag                 |
  |      4       | ILR log flag                       |
  |      5       | MUSTRECOVER flag                   |
  |      6       | Database remote flag               |
  |      7       | Logical transaction flag           |
  |     8-11     | Log identifier name                |
  |    12-13     | Log index                          |
  |    14-15     | Multiple database transaction ID   |
  |      16      | Number of databases involved in    |
  |              | the multiple database transaction  |
  |    17-31     | Base IDs of the databases involved |
  |              | in the multiple database           |
  |              | transaction                        |

             If the database is enabled for logging, the database log flag
             is 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If you are logging, the user log flag is set to 1; otherwise
             it is 0.  If a user accesses the database with a DBOPEN mode
             5, this flag is set to 0.

             If the database is enabled for roll-back logging, the
             roll-back log flag is set to 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If the database is enabled for ILR, the ILR log flag is set to
             1; otherwise it is 0.

             If the database is enabled for MUSTRECOVER, the MUSTRECOVER
             flag is set to 1; otherwise it is 0.

             If the database resides on a remote system, the database
             remote flag is set to 1.  If the database resides on the local
             system, the flag is set to 0.

             If no logical transaction is in progress, the transaction flag
             is set to 0.  If a static transaction is in progress, the flag
             is set to 1.  If a multiple database transaction is in
             progress, the flag is set to 2.

             The log index is used to call the WRITELOG intrinsic.  It is
             set to 0 if logging is not used.

             The transaction ID represents a multiple or single database

             Elements 16-31 are set when a multiple database transaction is
             in progress.


  - This mode returns implementation details on transactions
    which do not apply to Eloquence, static values are 

    Element   Value
    1         0, user mode logging is not supported
    2         0, user mode logging is not supported
    3         0, does not apply to Eloquence
    4         0, does not apply to Eloquence
    5         0, does not apply to Eloquence
    6         0, does not apply to Eloquence
    7         0, static transactions are not supported
    8-11      spaces
    12-13     0, does not apply to Eloquence
    14-15     0, transactions are not data base specific
    16        0, transactions are not data base specific
    17-31     0, transactions are not data base specific

DBINFO mode 406

  Mode 406:  Database Information

  Mode 406 returns information about fully qualified database name and open

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-14     | Fully qualified database name,     |
  |              | left justified, blank trailing.    |
  |      15      | Open mode for current DBOPEN.      |
  |      16      | Root file version of the database. |
  |              | In the form Cn where C is          |
  |              | uppercase ASCII and n is a number. |
  |              | For example, C2 or C3.             |
  |    17-24     | For internal use.                  |
  |    25-32     | Reserved                           |


  - Element 1-14 returns the data base name truncated to 28 characters

  - Element 15 returns the mode specified to DBOPEN, not the
    native mode the data base is opened with

  - Element 16 returns the characters 'EQ' to desugnate Eloquence.

  - Element 17 returns an internal version number for the data 
    base schema

  - Element 18 returns the number of data sets in the data base

  - Element 19 returns the number of items in the data base

  - Element 20 returns the number of index items in the data base

DBINFO mode 501

  Mode 501:  Subsystem Access

  Mode 501 checks subsystem access to the database.  Refer to the DBUTIL
  >>SHOW and >>SET commands described in chapter 8 for more information.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Subsystem access                   |

             The following values are used for subsystem access:

             0       No access
             1       Read access
             3       Read/write access


  - Eloquence by default returns 3 (RW) for element 1.

DBINFO mode 502

  Mode 502:  Critical Item Update

  Mode 502 checks the critical item update (CIUPDATE) option settings for
  the database and the current DBOPEN. The CIUPDATE option is set for the
  database with the DBUTIL >>SET command and then, depending on the
  setting, can be enabled or disabled with DBCONTROL for the current
  DBOPEN. Refer to the discussion of DBCONTROL in this chapter and the
  descriptions of the DBUTIL >>SHOW and >>SET commands in chapter 8 for
  more information.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Critical item update flag          |
  |      2       | Current setting for accessor       |

             For element 1, the following values are used for the CIUPDATE
             option setting specified with DBUTIL for the database:

             0       Critical item update is disallowed (default).
             1       Critical item update is allowed.
             2       Critical item update is on.

             For element 2, the following values are used for the current
             DBOPEN setting specified with DBCONTROL:

             0       Critical item update is disabled for this accessor.
             1       Critical item update is enabled for this accessor.


  - Eloquence by default returns 1 for element 1 (CIUPDATE allowed)
    and the current value of the CIUPDATE flag for element 2.

  - CIUPDATE is always considered allowed. The default value 
    of the CIUPDATE flag is 0 (disabled) and can be changed
    using DBCONTROL mode 5 and 6. If enabled, any DBUPDATE 
    mode 1 is mapped to DBUPDATE mode 2.

DBINFO mode 901

  Mode 901:  Language

  Mode 901 obtains the Native Language attribute of the database.  It
  returns the MPE/iX code for the language attribute.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Language ID                        |


  - Eloquence always returns a language ID of zero

DBINFO modes specific to Eloquence

DBINFO modes 701 to 705 are specific to Eloquence. They are equivalent to the native Eloquence DBINFO modes 501 to 505.

DBINFO mode 701

  Mode 701:  Index Item Number

  Mode 701 returns the item number of the specified index item.

  Qualifier  identifies the index item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Index item number                  |

DBINFO mode 702

  Mode 702:  Index Item Name

  Mode 702 describes a specific index item.

  Qualifier  identifies the index item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |     1-8      | Index item name                    |
  |      9       | Number of segments                 |
  |      10      | Reserved (zero)                    |
  |      11      | Data Item number (segment 1)       |
  |      12      | Length in bytes (Segment 1)        |
  |      13      | Reserved (zero)                    |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    3n+8      | Data Item number (segment n)       |
  |    3n+9      | Length in bytes (segment n)        |
  |    3n+10     | Reserved (zero)                    |

             The index item name is left-justified and will be padded
             with blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters.

DBINFO mode 703

  Mode 703:  Index Items in Database

  Mode 703 identifies data items available in the database and displays the
  type of access allowed.  This mode does not identify unreferenced data
  items, that is, those items that are defined in the item section of the
  schema but are not referenced by at least one data set.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | Index item number 1                |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | Index item number n                |

             The items are listed in index item number order.

DBINFO mode 704

  Mode 704:  Index Items in Data Set (also mode 831)

  Mode 704 identifies index items available in a specific data set.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | Index item number 1                |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | Index item number n                |

             The index items are listed in order of occurrence in the


  - DBINFO mode 704 is identical to DBINFO mode 831 (TPI)

DBINFO mode 705

  Mode 705:  Sets with Index Item (also mode 821)

  Mode 705 identifies all data sets available which contain a specified
  index item and indicates the type of access allowed.

  Qualifier  identifies the index item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Set count x                        |
  |      2       | +/- Data set number 1              |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data set number n              |

             If the data set number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data set and possibly is in the write class
             list of specific data item(s).  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access.  The data sets are
             listed in data set number order.


  - DBINFO mode 705 is identical to DBINFO mode 821 (TPI)

TPI-related DBINFO modes

DBINFO modes 8## are related to TPI.

DBINFO mode 801

  Mode 801:  Describes the Third-Party product enabled on the database.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-20      |  Product name (blank if none installed)     |
  |    21-25     |  Version number                             |
  |    26-27     |  Date of current installation on a database |
  |              |  (CALENDAR intrinsic format)                |
  |    28-29     |  Time of current installation on a database |
  |              |  (CLOCK intrinsic format)                   |

	     Product name is "Eloquence A.xx.yy" padded with spaces
	     where xx is the major and yy the minor product version.
	     For example "Eloquence A.06.31"

	     The version number format is A.xx.yy.zz where xx is the
	     major and yy the minor product version and zz the patch
	     level. For example "A.06.31.01"

	     The installation date/time are always zero.

DBINFO mode 802

  Mode 802:  Returns the number of external and internal index
             files for this database.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  Number of external files (may be 0).       |
  |    2         |  Number of internal files (may be 0).       |
  |    3-10      |  Reserved for future use. Blanks for now.   |


  - Eloquence returns 0 for the element 1 and element 2.

DBINFO mode 803

  Mode 803:  Indicates if TPI is enabled on the database.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  Binary zero if third party indexing is     |
  |              |  not enabled and binary one if third party  |
  |              |  indexing is enabled.                       |


  - Eloquence returns 1 for the element 1 since indexing is 
    always enabled.

DBINFO mode 811

  Mode 811:  Describes the access available for a TurboIMAGE/XL
             data item or third party key.


  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-8       |  TurboIMAGE/XL data item name or number     |
  |              |  or third party key name or number.         |
  |    9-16      |  optional TurboIMAGE/XL data set name or    |
  |              |  number. When to be ignored, first          |
  |              |  character must be a blank or a ";".        |

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  TurboIMAGE/XL data item number or third    |
  |              |  party key number (10001 - 19999).          |

  Additional notes from SuperDex manual:

  For Independent paths, the dataset number should be set to 200.
  This is true for any DBINFO mode 8##.

  TurboIMAGE Item number or Third-Party search item number. If the
  qualifier is a TurboIMAGE item and a Third-Party search item, this
  value will always equal the TurboIMAGE item number.


  - Eloquence ignores the optional data set name or number 
    specification which can be passed in the qualifier argument.

  - The item name or number passed in the qualifier must describe 
    an index item (defined in the schema or added subsequently with 
    DBUTIL (B.07.00))

  - Eloquence returns the index item number.

  - The Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 701 can be used as an 

DBINFO mode 812

  Mode 812:  Describes a third party key. Also, used to determine
             third party key name and key type for third party keys
             that are not named the same as a TurboIMAGE/XL data item.


  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-8       |  TurboIMAGE/XL data item name or number     |
  |              |  or third party key name or number.         |
  |    9-16      |  optional TurboIMAGE/XL data set name or    |
  |              |  number. When to be ignored, first          |
  |              |  character must be a blank or a ";".        |

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |     1-8      | Data item name                              |
  |      9       | One of the following data types             |
  |              | followed by a blank:                        |
  |              |        I, J, K, R, U, X, Z, P               |
  |      10      | Sub-item length                             |
  |      11      | Sub-item count                              |
  |      12      | 0                                           |
  |      13      | 0                                           |

             The data item name is left-justified and will be padded with
             blanks if the name is shorter than 16 characters.


  - Eloquence ignores the optional data set name or number 
    specification which can be passed in the qualifier argument.

  - The item name or number passed in the qualifier must describe 
    an index item (defined in the schema or added subsequently with 
    DBUTIL (B.07.00))

  - If the specified index item is a compound item (has multiple
    index segments) element 9 returns spaces and elements 10 and 11 
    return zeroes.

  - If the specified index item only has a single segment the 
    item type is returned in element 9. Element 10 returns the
    index segment length (in bytes) and element 11 is always 1
    (Eloquence currently does currently not support using an 
    array in index definitions).

  - The Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 702 can be used as an 

DBINFO mode 813

  Mode 813:  Items in Database (including index items)

  Mode 813 describes all items in a database, including all Third-Party
  search items. Externals are the same as DBINFO mode 103.

  Qualifier  is ignored.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | +/- Data item number 1             |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data item number n             |

             If the data item number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data item.  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access to the given data
             set.  The data items are listed in data item number order.


  - The Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 703 can be used as an 
    alternative to return index items only.

  - Item numbers are always negative since Eloquence does not
    support item level security

  - Index items are listed after the data items. Index items can not
    be used as an argument to DBINFO mode 1xx.

  - Since all data items in the data base and all index items are
    returned you need to be careful to avoid a buffer overflow as the
    max. number of data items is 2048 with Eloquence and up to
    1024 index items which can be defined in the schema.

DBINFO mode 814

  Mode 814:  Items in Data Set (including index items)

  Mode 814 describes all items in a specific dataset, including all
  Third-Party search items. Externals are the same as DBINFO mode 104.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | +/- Data item number 1             |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data item number n             |

             If the data item number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data item.  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access in the given data
             set.  The data items are listed in order of occurrence in data


  - The Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 704 can be used as an 
    alternative to return index items only.

  - Item numbers are always negative since Eloquence does not
    support item level security

  - Index items are listed after the data items. Index items can not
    be used as an argument to DBINFO mode 1xx.

DBINFO mode 821

  Mode 821:  Sets with Index Item (also mode 705)

  Mode 821 identifies all data sets available which contain a specified
  index item and indicates the type of access allowed.

  Qualifier  identifies the index item name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Set count x                        |
  |      2       | +/- Data set number 1              |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | +/- Data set number n              |

             If the data set number is positive, the user class has only
             read access to the data set and possibly is in the write class
             list of specific data item(s).  If the number is negative, the
             user class has both read and write access.  The data sets are
             listed in data set number order.


  - Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 705 can be used as an alternative

DBINFO mode 831

  Mode 831:  Index Items in Data Set (also mode 704)

  Mode 831 identifies index items available in a specific data set.

  Qualifier  identifies the data set name or number for which the
             information is requested.

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents              |
  |      1       | Item count x                       |
  |      2       | Index item number 1                |
  |      :       | :                                  |
  |    n + 1     | Index item number n                |

             The index items are listed in order of occurrence in the


  - Eloquence specific DBINFO mode 704 can be used as an alternative

DBINFO mode 832

  Mode 832:  Identifies third party single or multiple keyword search
  keys for specified data set. Returns the item number of "M" or "B"
  type keys [where "M" is single or multiple keyword search key only,
  "B" is both generic and multiple key] as define in DBINFO mode 833.


  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-8       |  data set name or number                    |

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  n = number of keys                         |
  |    2-(n+1)   |  Item number of key                         |


  - Eloquence currently returns a 0 as element 1.

  - Since the Eloquence TPI implementation currently does not 
    support relational access (DBFIND mode 12) no results are 

DBINFO mode 833

  Mode 833:  Describes a specific third party key


  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-8       |  set name or number                         |
  |    9-16      |  item name or number of key                 |

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  third party key number. If a negative      |
  |              |  value, data item can be updated. Third     |
  |              |  party keys are assigned item numbers of    |
  |              |  10,001 and above.                          |
  |    2         |  type of key. Valid key type: G (generic    |
  |              |  sorted), M (multiple key), and B (both     |
  |              |  generic sorted and multiple key) followed  |
  |              |  by 1 space.                                |
  |    3         |  external key length (in bytes)             |
  |              |  [if SICOGNOS JCW = 1, length is net of     |
  |              |  extension; otherwise length includes the   |
  |              |  extension (extension = detail set:         |
  |              |  4 bytes, master set: search item length    |
  |              |  in bytes).]                                |
  |    4         |  IMAGE set number of first item in keyword  |
  |              |  group, or 0 if not member of a keyword     |
  |              |  group                                      |
  |    5         |  IMAGE item number of first item in         |
  |              |  keyword group, or 0 if not member of a     |
  |              |  keyword group                              |
  |    6         |  IMAGE item number of third party key       |
  |              |  being qualified, or 0 if relative record   |
  |              |  being qualified instead of a third party   |
  |              |  key                                        |
  |    7         |  length of item in element 6 above          |
  |              |  (in bytes)                                 |
  |    8-27      |  an integer array describing this key's     |
  |              |  use of the standardized installation       |
  |              |  options, as shown on the table on          |
  |              |  next page                                  |
  |    28        |  n = number of key components               |
  |   6(n-1)+29  |  IMAGE item number of component             |
  |   6(n-1)+30  |  byte offset of item [if SICOGNOS JCW = 1,  |
  |              |  byte offset is ZERO relative; otherwise    |
  |              |  byte offset is ONE relative.]              |
  |   6(n-1)+31  |  length of component in bytes               |
  |   6(n-1)+32  |  data type of data in component:            |
  |              |  (I, J, K, E, R, U, X, Z, P)                |
  |              |  followed by a space                        |
  |   6(n-1)+33  |  IMAGE sub-item length of component         |
  |   6(n-1)+34  |  IMAGE sub-item count of component          |

  Array element Value

  1       Case sensitivity
          0 = Case insensitive
          1 = Case sensitive

  2       Parsing (treat entire argument as a key value)
          0 = No parsing
          1 = Parsing

  3       Excluded words
          0 = No words excluded
          1 = Global words excluded
          2 = Key-specific words excluded

  4       Values: blanks, nulls, zeros
          0 = Not indexed
          1 = Indexed

  5       Native Language Support
          0 = Uses binary collating sequences
          1 = Uses NLS collating sequences

  6       Update of indexes
          0 = DBPUT, DBDELETE, and DBUPDATE will update third
              party indexes.
          1 = Indexes will not be updated until a third party
              maintenance utility is invoked to update the indexes.

  7       Soundex
          0 = No Soundex
          1 = Soundex

  8       Boolean searches within
          0 = Common to record detail sets
          1 = Common to detail chain

  9-15    Reserved for future use
          0 = Not used

  16-20   Third party extensions
          0 = No extension for key.

DBINFO mode 834

  Mode 834:  Describes all items grouped with the specified key.


  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1-8       |  data set name or number                    |
  |    9-16      |  Third party key name or number             |

  Buffer     returns the following (note that each element is a halfword or
             two bytes):

  |   Element    |              Contents                       |
  |    1         |  n = number of keys in this group           |
  |    2-(n-1)+2 |  Set number of grouped key                  |
  |    2-(n-1)+3 |  IMAGE item number of grouped key           |


  - Eloquence currently returns a 0 as element 1.

  - Since Eloquence does not support grouped keys no results 
    are returned.

© Copyright 2002-2003 Marxmeier Software AG. All rights reserved.
Revision: 2003-03-19