HP Eloquence A.06.31 Release Notes

Windows GUI components

This document covers fixes and enhancements which have been integrated into the HP Eloquence A.06.31 GUI components on the Windows platform.

Contents of this document:

DLG Server

The following changes have been included with the 16 and 32-bit dlgsrv on the Windows platform.

New functionality

The on-line help browser now can be configured in the [DlgSrv] section of your HP Eloquence client configuration file:
For the 32bit dlgsrv32, this is the eloqcl.ini file located in the etc subdirectory of your HP Eloquence installation, for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/HP Eloquence/etc/eloqcl.ini. For the 16bit dlgsrv, this is the eloq.ini file located in the Windows directory, for example C:/Windows/eloq.ini.

The default value is "netscape" which is the internal module name of the Netscape Navigator/Communicator. You can replace it with the module name of any HTML viewer which is aware of the "WWW_OpenURL" and "WWW_Activate" DDE topics.

For example, to use the MS Internet Explorer instead of the Netscape browser, just specify:

Furthermore, you should specify an additional module path so the MS Internet Explorer can be started in case it's not already running. This is configured in the [Modules] section of the same configuration file:
  iexplore="C:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\Iexplore.exe"
Replace this with the real location of the MS Internet Explorer executable on your particular system.

Fixed problems

RUN Server

The following changes have been included with the 16 and 32-bit runsrv on the Windows platform.

© Copyright 2001 Hewlett-Packard GmbH. All rights reserved.
Revision: 2001-07-05