HP Eloquence A.06.20 / Release Notes

HP Eloquence database utilities

This document provides a detailed description on enhancements and changes related to the HP Eloquence database on-line utilities.




The output format has slightly changed as data set numbers are displayed with 3 digits.


dbexport supports three digit data set numbers. If you are exporting to separate files, the data set is encoded with three digits instead of two (can be configured by the -w option).

To export to separate files which could be imported by an earlier HP Eloquence version, please specify option -w2.

dbexport uses a platform specific character set when exporting data. With the -z option, you could specify that the data should be encoded with a different character set.

The following character sets are supported:

Default character set depends on platform:

New command line options:

-z cset
Specify character set (either roman8 or iso88591), default value depends on platform.

-w nn
Specify number of digits used to encode the data set number when using separate export files. Default value is 3.


dbimport supports two and three digit data set numbers. If you are importing from separate files, and dbimport is unable to open a file with a three digit data set number it will look for a file with a two digit data set number.

dbexport uses a platform specific character set when exporting data. With the -z option, you could specify that the data should be encoded with a different character set.

The following character sets are supported:

Default character set depends on platform:

New command line options:

-z cset
Specify character set (either roman8 or iso88591), default value depends on platform.


dbctl is a new tool which allows access to a running eloqdb6 process.


dbctl [-h hostname] [-s service] [-u login] [-p password] command [args]


-h host
Name or IP address of the system running the eloqdb6 server. The default is the local system (localhost).

-s service
Service name or port number the eloqdb6 process is listening on. The default is eloqdb.

-u login
The login name to access the database. The default is the login name on your current system. The authorization depends on the command sent to the eloqdb6.

-p pswd
The password for the given database login.


help [command]
Ask the server to provide a list of supported commands. If the optional command argument is specified, syntax of the specified command is displayed.

For example:

 dbctl help shutdown
shutdown [#seconds|cancel]
Shutdown the eloqdb6 server. dba authorization is required. In addition, a shutdown delay (in seconds) can be specified to schedule the shutdown of the eloqdb6 server process at a later time. The shutdown cancel operation can be used to cancel a previous scheduled shutdown.

backup {start|stop}
Enter or leave on-line backup mode. dba authorization is required. When eloqdb6 enters on-line backup mode all changes to the data volume(s) are re-directed to the log volume(s) and the data volume(s) are guaranteed to be consistent and not to change. The data volume(s) can then be backed up by a backup tool (e.g. fbackup or tar).
When the on-line backup mode is ended, all pending data is written to the data volume(s).

NOTE: The eloqdb6 performance is reduced in on-line backup mode and the log volume must provide space for all committed transactions during on-line backup period.

In case the eloqdb6 server is shut down during on-line backup mode (or a failure occurs) the data volume(s) will be updated automatically when the server is restarted.

list {session|db|lock} [notitle]
The list command returns status information from the eloqdb6 server process (similar to using the HTTP status interface). However the dbctl is easier to use from a script file. The list command is allowed with any valid server login.

If the notitle option is specified, any header lines are omitted.

list session
Provide a list of all active database sessions. The following information is displayed:
Session Internal session id
TID eloqdb6 thread id associated with this session
Host Host name or IP number the client is running on.
IP ADDR IP addr and port number of the client
Platform Client platform
User database login of the session

Example output:

 Session   TID Host                 IP ADDR              Platform User
 --------- --- -------------------- -------------------- -------- ---------------
 0x81db540   7 localhost         Linux    public
list db
Provide a list of all opened data bases. The following information is displayed:
Database data base name
Ref how often the database is accessed
WrShrd how often the database is opened in mode 1
WrExcl how often the database is opened in mode 3
RdShrd how often the database is opened in mode 9
RdExcl how often the database is opened in mode 8

Example output:

 Database         Ref  WrShrd WrExcl RdShrd RdExcl
 ---------------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ------
 db                  1      1      0      0      0
list lock
Provide a list of all data base locks. The following information is displayed:
Session eloqdb6 session identifier
Database database name
DBID internal database instance id
Status lock status (GRANTED/BLOCKED)
Mode lock mode (rounded to next even mode)
Qualifier lock qualifier (base/set/expression)

Example output:

 Session    TID Database         DBID Status  Mode Qualifier
 ---------- --- ---------------- ---- ------- ---- ---------------
 0x81db540    7 db                  1 GRANTED    6 expression
 set=1 item=@ (effective set lock)

cancelthread threadid
This is an experimental feature which allows to cancel a blocking DBLOCK. When the DBLOCK is canceled, a status -807 (first element) and -3 (tenth element) is returned to the program.

The threadid argument can be obtained with the dbctl list lock command.

For example:

 dbctl cancelthread 47

dbstore database target
The dbctl dbstore command transfers a single database to the target "device" which must be defined in the server configuration file. In order to store a database, database admin (dadmin) or server admin (dba) capabilities are required.

The target specification is either the name of a configured server device or the name of a server device and a filename separated by a slash.

For example:

 dbctl dbstore payrol backup/payrol.bkup
 dbctl dbstore payrol tape

dbrestore source [info]
The dbctl dbrestore command restores a single database from a source device which must be defined in the server configuration file. The database may not already exist. Server administration (dba) capabilities are required in order to restore a database.

The source specification is either the name of a configured server device or the name of a server device and a filename separated by a slash.

If the optional info argument is present, information on the archive is returned and the archive is not restored.

For example:

 dbctl dbrestore backup/payrol.bkup
 dbctl dbrestore tape
 dbctl dbrestore tape info

© Copyright 1999 Hewlett-Packard GmbH. All rights reserved.
Revision: 1999-01-02