---------------------------------------------------------------------- HP ELOQUENCE A.06.30 - patch 0103300 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes a defect of the eloqcore program as released with A.06.30. This patch will be integrated in a subsequent HP Eloquence release. A.06.30 must be installed before applying this patch. This patch replaces patch PE63-0007280, PE63-0010300. Severity: PE63-0103300: BUG-FIX PE63-0010300: BUG-FIX PE63-0007280: BUG-FIX Fixed problems: --------------- Platforms: All * A rounding problem has been fixed which could affect string conversion. For some values the result was truncated instead of rounded. FIXED 0 DISP VAL$(1234.568) -> results in 1234 instead of 1235 * The number of databases which can be opened simultaneously from HP Eloquence has been extended from 20 to 50. Platforms: HP-UX 10.20 and 11.x * An experimental version of this patch using the X/Open Curses library has been released. Previous HP Eloquence versions used the old HP Curses library. Patch PE63-0010300 ------------------ Platforms: All * Printing specific numeric values could cause a crash in eloqcore due to a buffer overflow. * Pressing the HALT function key (system functions) did not trigger ON HALT in a WAIT statement. * A failed DLG SET .driver could result in an unexpected termination of HP Eloquence. Platforms: Linux * ON DELAY did not work correctly. Only the first timer interrupt was processed. After that any ON DELAY timer interrupt would be ignored and a timed WAIT would never expire. Platforms: HP-UX * A DBLOCK on a remote database running on an x86 platform (Linux, Windows) could crash eloqcore with a SIGBUS due to an alignment violation. Platforms: Windows * The PAUSE key can now be used as a HALT key. * ON DELAY did not interrupt an INPUT statement. * Under certain circumstances eloqcore did not start-up in background mode. This especially happened if "Hide local EloqCORE console window" was checked in an HP Eloquence start file configuration. Error message: Failed to get screen buffer info * Given an unknown hostname or IP address in DLG SET ".driver" could cause eloqcore to hang infinitely. Patch PE63-0007280 ------------------ Platforms: All * Matrix operations could fail with an internal error if the destination matrix had more elements than the source matrix. Installation: ------------- UNIX: In order to install this patch, you need to unpack it with gzip. Gzip is included with HP-UX 10.x and above and Linux. Installation requires root privileges. cd /opt/eloquence6 gzip -dc PE63-0103300-hpux.tar.gz | tar xf - Files: bin/eloqcore share/doc/PE63-0103300-README Windows 9x and NT: Download the PE63-0103300-win32.zip file and unpack with WINZIP or PKZIP. Installation requires administrative capabilities. Please copy the eloqcore.exe to the bin subdirectory of your HP Eloquence installation directory (for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/HP Eloquence/bin). Files: eloqcore.exe PE63-0103300-README.txt