Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes

Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes

Defaults File

The defaults file is used to provide defaults to dynamic created objects and will be used by the cvdlg utility program to convert dialog files. In addition it controls the dynamic behavior of the dialog server.
This chapter will shortly introduce each major element of the Eloquence defaults file. Please refer to the ISA Dialog Manager documentation for further reference.

Callback Functions

The callback functions are used by Eloquence to filter unexpected events. If an unexpected event is recognized, it will be ignored. All further processing is done through the appropriate rules.
Eloquence needs the functions below to keep track of the current object state.

Function nameGets called
EqPushButtonCB if a pushbutton gets selected
EqCheckBoxCB if a checkbox is (de-) activated
EqRadioButtonCB if a radiobutton is activated
EqEditTextCB if a edittext looses focus

Returning from DLG DO

Returning from DLG DO statement is achieved by calling the procedure EqExitEventLoop. It will return control back to Eloquence with a given return code and an object path.

Function nameDescription
EqExitEventLoop This will terminate DLG DO statement
with given object and rule value.

function void EqExitEventLoop( object, integer )

Help Subsystem

The help subsystem is used to call native platform help subsystem on a help event. This is either VUE help or MS Windows help.
Both need the name of a help file specified by the Variable EqHelpVolume.
For example:
config variable string EqHelpVolume := "Help4Help";

The following functions are supported:

Function nameDescription
EqHelpOnObject show object help
EqHelpOnTag display arbitrary help

config variable string EqHelpVolume;
function boolean EqHelpOnObject(object input);
function boolean EqHelpOnTag(object input, string input);


Resources are platform dependent. Variant resources allow to have the same dialog source file for all platforms.
Whenever there are resource variants, they are used in the following manner:

0 Motif GUI
1 MS Windows GUI
2 Alpha Windows

To activate the appropriate resource variant, you have to specify it on the driver commandline.
For example

-IDMfont 1  -IDMcolor 1

This will startup Dialog Manager with font and color resources variant 1. Please refer to ISA Dialog Manager documentation for further reference.
The following font resources are allocated by default:


There are some user defined attributes allocated for use by Eloquence.

Popup Box

The popup box is mapped by the window EqPopup and it's associated rules.
It will be reconfigured dynamically by Eloquence according to the needs of a POPUP BOX statement.


Last update: 95/11/08