Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes

Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes


DLGSRV is the Eloquence dialog server for the MS Windows GUI. It runs on the remote PC.
Please refer to Installation of Eloquence Software on the PC Platform for informations on installation and PC platform prerequisites.
You may configure DLGSRV using the ELOQ.INI config file on the PC. DLGSRV uses the configuration infomation placed in the section named [dlgsrv] in the ELOQ.INI file on the PC (located in your WINDOWS directory). Please refer to ELOQ.INI File on the PC Platform for further reference.

Commandline arguments

  DLGSRV [-connect hostname:port] [-IDMfont n
                                           -IDMcolor n

-connect hostname:port
describes how to connect the Eloquence process running on the HP 9000 system. This information is passed by the RUNSRV utility. If this option is not specified, the Service and Host is taken from the eloq.ini file.
-IDMfont n
instructs DLGSRV to use font resource variant number n.
-IDMcolor n
instructs DLGSRV to use color resource variant number n.
other arguments accepted by Dialog Manager

The defaults file defaults.eq provided with Eloquence assumes the font and color variant 1 to be used for MS Windows GUI.

DLGSRV operation

Whenever Eloquence executes a DLG SET ".driver","@...", the RUNSRV utility on the target system is used to launch DLGSRV, passing information in the commandline how to connect to the Eloquence process.
The command line used by RUNSRV to start DLGSRV is defined in the ELOQ.INI file (in your WINDOWS directory) in the section [runsrv], configuration item DlgSrv.
The %s argument is replaced by hostname:port passed by Eloquence.
When DLGSRV starts up, it will iconize itself. If you restore the DLGSRV window, a message box pops up, which allows you to terminate the DLGSRV program. This may also be achieved by selecting close from the system menu.

Warning You should not terminate DLGSRV manually, because this may lead to loss of data and abnormal termination of the server program. DLGSRV will be terminated by Eloquence, if processing has been finished.
However, to recover from a program failure or a communication breakdown you are enabled to terminate DLGSRV manually.

Depending on eloq.ini settings, DLGSRV.EXE on the PC uses one of the following DLL's to interface the network software.

    Last update: 95/11/08