The following example will use dbmods utility program to create a schema text file db.schema from database /usr/sqlr/db/db:
#!/bin/sh /usr/eloquence/dbmods <<!EOF /usr/sqlr/db/db :key#1 :key#5 :key#2 db.schema YES :key#8 !EOF
-f sep - field separator, default is ','The -f commandline option defines a different field separator. The default field separator is a comma (',').
Dbexport/dbimport utility programs may be used to export data from a Eloquence database to an external application or to import data into a Eloquence database. The -f commandline option makes it possible to define a different field separator character.
With Eloquence A.05.01 there are special dbimport and dbexport utility programs called dbimports and dbexports, which use a optimized database runtime. Performance tests prooved a performance gain of 30% to 50%.
When the limit of maximum number of open files is exceeded, a runtime error 1000 ("System files table full or maximum number of files already assigned") is returned by the ASSIGN statement.
Please note, that you still can ASSIGN only 10 files per segment.
Due to HP260 program format limitations, an Eloquence program file was limited to a size of 64 Kb.
An error 63 ("Number of records or bytes per record exceeds 999999 or program too big") was returned, if you tried to store a program, which exceeded the 64 Kb file limit.
If a program requires more than 64 Kb to store, a different program
file format is used. Programs below 64 Kb will continue to use the former
program file format to ensure compatibility with former Eloquence
A program with a file size above 64 Kb will not be compatible with
former Eloquence releases.
For example:
LOAD SUB "SUBX",LASTLINE+1,1will load the subprograms and functions from program file SUBX renumbering to the next available line number.
n = 0 - Default behaviour. Any key pressed while Eloquence is not in input state will be rejected. n = 1 - Partial typeahead. Any key, which is not a function key is saved in a typehead buffer for later processing. Function keys are executed immediately. n = 2 - Full typeahead. All keys are saved in the typeahead buffer for later processing.Please note:
ON KEYBD #n[,#n...][,priority] {GOTO|GOSUB|CALL} Target
OFF KEYBD #[n[,n...]]
Please note:
-t wdth = tab width (default is 8, 0 = off) When editing your programs in an HP-UX editor (like vi) rather than the integrated Eloquence editor, tab characters provide a convenient way to format your source code. Tab characters in the source code caused a syntax error. When specifying a tab width, all tab characters read from input file are replaced by the apropriate number of spaces. A zero tab width will disable tab expansion. This may also be controlled by the $TAB directive. -f lno = first line number (default is 1) When no line numbers are included in source code, store will provide its own, starting with 1. This commandline switch makes it possible to define the first line number to use for automatically generated line numbers. This may also be controlled by the $LINE directive. -i inc = line number increment (default is 1) This commandline switch makes it possible to define the increment, used for automatically generated line numbers. This may also be controlled by the $LINE directive.
$TAB wdth This will define a different tab character handling. For example: TAB 8 Will define the tab expansion to 8 for subsequent source lines. $LINE fline,inc This will define a different automatically generated line numbers. For example: $LINE 1000,10 Will preset the next automatically generated line number to 1000 and the line increment to 10. $LINE 1000 Will preset the next automatically generated line number to 1000 and the line increment to 10.
Please note, that this attribute is not available with Dialog Manager.
If pressing a key, which is not accepted by the current object (the object which got the focus), it will be used as an accelerator. For example pressing a letter, while current object is of type push putton, will cause a accelerator lookup.
For example:
Dialog Sample { ... # Alt key is F2 .alt = 266 StaticText Label1 { ... .text = "Label &1" } EditText Edit { ... } PushButton OK { ... .text = "&OK" } }Pressing the keys F2 and 1 will cause the focus changed to the EditText edit. Pressing the keys F2 and O will cause the PushButton OK to be triggered.
For example:
Dialog Model { PushButton OK { .text = "&OK" .rule = 1 } PushButton HELP { .text = "&HELP" .rule = -1 } } Dialog Sample { ... Model.OK Ok { .x = 10 .y = 10 } Model.HELP Help { .x = 20 .y = 10 } }The pushbuttons Ok and Help will be created in the dialog Sample. All attributes are preset as specified in the dialog Model
Usage is also possible to dynamically create objects from within Eloquence:
DLG NEW "Sample.OK","Model.OK"This creates the object OK in the dialog sample as specified by the object Model.OK.
include "file"This will include the given file. If a relative path is specified, the include file is loaded relative to the path, the current dialog file is loaded from.
The file name may also contain environment variables. Environment variables are expanded in order to locate the file.
For example:
include "$HOME/" will include the file from the home directory. include "" will include the file from the same directory as the dialog file.If the first character, is a question mark ('?'), DLG LOAD will not fail if the include file is not present.
For example:
include "?$HOME/" will try to include the file from the home directory.Include file nesting is limited to two levels.
Name = valueThis will associate Name with value. This name may subsequently be used to reference the associated value. If Name has already been defined, it will updated with the current value.
For example: # border types Bd_None = 0 Bd_Thin = 1 Bd_Thick = 2 Bd_shadow = 3 Bd_rshadow = 4 ALT_KEY = 266 TITLE = "Sample string" Dialog sample { ... .border = Bd_Thick .alt = ALT_KEY .title = TITLE ... }
DLG SET "Record.@",Buf$Please note that the '.@' attribute must be specified.
For example:
Windows CusWin { ... child record CusRec { string Cus_no shadows CusWin.Cus_number.content; string Cus_name shadows CusWin.Cus_name.content; boolean Cus_flag shadows; ... } } Cus_no$ = "1234" Cus_name$="Customer Name" Cus_flag=1 XPACK Buf$ FROM Cus_no$,Cus_name$,Cus_flag DLG SET "CusWin.CusRec.@",Buf$ This will transfer the variables Cus_no$, Cus_name$ and Cus_flag into record CusWin.CusRec.
DLG GET "Record.@",Buf$ Transfer all members of Record into program variables. DLG GET "Record.Array",Buf$ Transfer all elements of member Array. DLG GET "Record.Array[1]",Buf$ Transfer the first element of record member Array.For example:
DLG GET "CusWin.CusRec.@",Buf$ XUNPACK Buf$ This will transfer all members of record CusWin.CusRec into equivalent program variables. DLG GET "CusWin.CusRec.Cus_flag",Buf$ XUNPACK Buf$ This will transfer the field CusWin.Cus_flag into the program variable Cus_flag.
Rules are implemented using the Dialog Manager script language and are stored in the dialog resource file. This makes it possible to provide a task oriented interface to dialog without having to care about the bits and pieces.
Functions in this context are C functions linked to dialog server. The funtion must be bound to the dialog server (using DM_BindCallBacks()) and been declared in the dialog file. This makes it possible, to call your own dialog server extensions.
DLG CALL RULE "Rule","Object" [(arg, arg ...)] [,Retvar[$]] [;Err]Call a subprogram, implemented in Dialog Manager script language. If a return variable is present, the value returned by the rule will be assigned to it. If no return variable is specified, the return value will be ignored. If the Error return variable is present, no runtime error is returned, but Error variable is set with the error number. This is mapped to a DM_CallRule() function call.
DLG CALL FUNCTION "FunctionName" [(arg, arg ...)] [,Retvar[$]] [;Err]Call a C function bound to the dialog server. If a return variable is present, the value retured by the C function will be assigned to it. If the Error return variable is present, no runtime error is returned, but Error variable is set with the error number. This is mapped to a DM_CallFunction() function call.
The maximum number of arguments is 8.
If no dialog driver has been activated, an error 1004 is returned.
If you use an exclamation mark ('!') instead of a dot ('.') as a separator between object path and attribute, no mapping will be performed. This makes it possible, to access native Dialog Manager objects like menu bars and items.
Please note that only attributes, which are convertible to string or integer data type may be used.
For example:
DLG SET "YourWindow.Edit!format","%8'3,02sf/1"The DLG SET statement above will set the field format of the edittext object Edit.
Unlike the PACK USING and UNPACK USING statements, the XPACK and XUNPACK statements include the variable name in the packed string and use a variable length string format.
For example:
List$="A,A$,B,B$,A$(1),Array$(*)" XPACK Dest$ USING List$
For example:
XPACK Dest$ FROM A,A$,B,B$,A$(*)
For example:
Please note that it's not possible to unpack a buffer into a different variable than used to pack the buffer.
For example:
A$="Test" B=123 XPACK Buf$ FROM A$,B A$="" B=0 XUNPACK Buf$This recovers the initial values of A$ and B.
For example:
XPACK Buf$ FROM A$,B,C List$="A$,B" XUNPACK Buf$ USING List$This unpacks the variables A$ and B only.
For example:
XPACK Buf$ FROM A$,B,C XUNPACK Buf$ FROM A$,BThis unpacks the variables A$ and B only.
For example:
The following rules apply:
-------------------------------------- |Type Name ~ Idx ~ Len ~ Value ... | -------------------------------------- ~ = Field separator. Tilde character ('~'). Type = field type. single character. N = numeric X = string $ = End-of-list Name = field name. Up to 15 characters. Must be valid Variable name. Trailing $ of string variables is omitted. Idx = Array index. 0 = simple variable. First array element is 1 (independent of array bounds and number of dimensions). Len = Size (number of bytes) of value field. Value= Value field. Any number of characters.
Simple = 47 XPACK Buf$ FROM SimpleResults in the following buffer:
"NSimple~0~2~47$"Equivalent Eloquence code:
Simple$ = "String" XPACK Buf$ FROM Simple$Results in the following buffer:
"XSimple~0~6~String$"Equivalent Eloquence code:
A$(1)="TEST" XPACK Buf$ USING "A$(1)"Results in the following buffer:
DIM A$(0:3) A$(0)="000" A$(1)="111" A$(2)="222" A$(3)="333" XPACK Buf$ FROM A$(*)Results in the following buffer:
DIM Type$[1], Var_name$[15], Value$[80], Variable$[22] INTEGER P, Idx, Len LOOP Type$=Buf$[1,1] ! Type EXIT IF Type$="$" Buf$=Buf$[2] P=POS(Buf$,"~") ! locate separator Var_name$=Buf$[1;P-1] ! Variable name Buf$=Buf$[P+1] P=POS(Buf$,"~") ! locate separator Idx=VAL$(Buf$[1,P-1]) ! Array index Buf$=Buf$[P+1] P=POS(Buf$[P],"~") ! Separator Len=VAL(Buf$[1,P-1]) ! Value length Buf$=Buf$[P+1] Value$=Buf$[1;Len] ! Value Buf$=Buf$[Len+1] IF Idx THEN Variable$=Var_name$&"("&VAL$(Idx)&")" ELSE Variable$=Var_name$ ENDIF IF Type$="X" COMMAND Variable$&"$=Value$" ELSE COMMAND Variable$&"="&Value$ END IF END LOOP