2 Report Description Statements

The PAGE HEADER Statement

The PAGE HEADER statement defines what is to be done at the top of each page. It is triggered by a page break condition. The syntax is:


[ USING[;list]][block statements]

The parameters are:

The number of lines required for the header. If not entered, the value of number defaults to 1. The number is evaluated during execution of the BEGIN REPORT statement. The number of lines for the PAGE HEADER and the PAGE TRAILER are used in conjunction with PAGE LENGTH to determine the effective page size.
line id
A line number or label referencing an IMAGE statement.
image string
A list of image specifiers describing the output format and enclosed in quotes.
This may be a list of string, numeric or array variables, literals, constants or expressions to be printed according to the image referenced.
block statements
Statements may follow the PAGE HEADER statement. They will be evaluated and executed immediately after the PAGE HEADER statement.
An example of this statement follows.

130  PAGE HEADER USING P_head;Date$
140  PRINT USING P_2hd
620  P_head:IMAGE 60X,8A,2/,10X,"PART","QUANTITY",10X,"UNIT",/,8X,
630  P_2hd:  IMAGE 9X,"====", 8X,"=======", 8X,"====",8X,"===="
Since two program lines of image specifiers are needed to show the format, the PAGE HEADER statement refers to the first line (P--head) and the PRINT USING statement, which is the "block statement", refers to the second line (P--2hd).

The result of this example is shown in page 65 "Example Report Program".

Eloquence Report Manual - 19 DEC 2002