2 Migrating HP 260 Applications
Transferring HP 260 Files
This discussion assumes that the HP 260 application to be transferred is on a fixed disk or cartridge tape. The following steps explain the transfer process:
- Login at the HP-UX prompt.
- Use the HP-UX mkdir command to create a directory for the application.
For example, enter:
mkdir /extra/migrate/vol1
- Change to this directory by entering the following:
cd /extra/migrate/vol1
- If transferring your HP 260 application from a fixed disk, connect the disk to the HP 9000 Series 800.
If transferring your HP 260 application from a cartridge tape, insert the tape into the appropriate drive. If you are using a cartridge tape autochanger (HP 35401), insert the cartridge tape in the first drive.
- Find out the device file name (character device file) of your fixed disk or cartridge tape drive. /dev/rdsk/c1001d0s2 is an example of a device file name for a disk. /dev/rct/c1002d0s2 is an example of a device file name for a cartridge tape drive.
- Transfer the files on the fixed disk or cartridge tape into the current directory of the HP 9000 Series 800 using the following command:
ctd260 -xv device file name
It is possible to transfer only selected files. Refer to page 25 for more information.
- Verify that the ctd260 command executed successfully by entering the following command:
This command displays all files with the extension .DATA, .PROG, .FORM, .R260, and .DSET.
- If you have an application that supports several volumes, you can create several directories (for example, /extra/migrate/vol2 and so on) and you can then put the files into the appropriate directory using the HP-UX mv command. These volumes must be defined in your user, group, or global Eloquence configuration file.
HP260 to Eloquence Migration - 13 FEB 2003