3 Installing Eloquence on the Windows 32 bit platform
The eloqcl.ini file
Section [runsrv]
This section is used by the RUNSRV utility program. It may hold the following configuration items:
- Service=
- <Servicename>
- Default:
- runsrv
- Function:
- Defines the service name (or port number) RUNSRV expects to become connected from a remote host (running Eloquence).
- The service name is used to lookup the port number in your SERVICES file. If the first character of the value is a digit, the value will be considered as a port number. It is recommended to use a service name.
NOTE: You should provide the appropriate entry in your SERVICES file. The location of your SERVICES file depends on your networking software.
- Debug=
- <level>
- Default:
- 0
- Function:
- This activates debug output for the RUNSRV utility. A zero value is recommended.
- DlgSrvX=
- <Command to start DLGSRV>
- Default:
- DLGSRV%s -connect %s -IDMfont 1 -IDMcolor 1
- Function:
- This specifies an alternate command line that is executed by RUNSRV to launch DLGSRV. It must contain two entries of %s.
NOTE: The DlgSrvX is only used on Windows 16 bit platform. Please use DlgSrv instead.
- NDlgSrv=
- <Number of DLGSRV Instances>
- Default:
- 1
- Function:
- This specifies the maximum number of DLGSRV instances to be run at the same time.
NOTE: The NDlgSRv is only used on the Windows 16 bit platform.
- DlgSrv=
- <Command to start DLGSRV>
- Default:
- DLGSRV -connect %s -IDMfont 1 -IDMcolor 1
- Function:
- This specifies the commandline that is executed by RUNSRV to launch DLGSRV.
- An entry of %s will be replaced by the connection argument provided by Eloquence (please refer to the DLGSRV documentation for details).
Section [dlgsrv]
This section is used by the DLGSRV utility program.
The section [dlgsrv] and any user-defined sections may hold the following configuration items:
- MemSz=
- <MemorySize>
- Default:
- 4096
- Function:
- MemorySize specifies the DLGSRV communication memory size. The arguments exchanged by server and client is limited by the communication memory. A value of 4096 is recommended.
- DefaultsFile=
- <Filename>
- Default:
- The file default.eq in the dlg subdirectory of the Eloquence installation directory. For example:
- Function:
- Defines the name (and path) of the defaults file used by the DLGSRV program.
- The defaults file is used by the DLGSRV to provide defaults to dynamically created objects.
- If you are using modular dialog files, change the default value to the file defaults.eq in the dlg\module subdirectory.
- IdmLib=
- <Search Path>
- Default:
- none, the environment variable IDMLIB is used instead.
- Function:
- On execution of the DLG LOAD statement the specified dialog file is searched in each directory specified by the IdmLib item regardless of any directory specification named in the DLG LOAD statement. The directories are separated by ';'.
- If IdmLib is specified in the [dlgsrv] section it overrides the value of the IDMLIB environment variable unless the token %IDMLIB% is included into the directory list.
- If IdmLib is specified in an user-defined section it overrides the value of the IdmLib item specified in the [dlgsrv] section unless the token %IDMLIB% is included into the directory list.
- Example:
- This causes every dialog file loaded by DLG LOAD to be searched in the directories C:\DLG\APP1 and C:\DLG\APP2. If the dialog file cannot be found in these locations, searching is continued using the value of the previous IdmLib item, such as the value of the IDMLIB environment variable.
- DlgPath=
- <Path>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- Defines the path where DLGSRV expects dialog files.
NOTE: If IdmLib and/or the environment variable IDMLIB is present, DlgPath will be ignored. DlgPath serves for backward compatibility and may not be supported in future releases. IdmLib is much more flexible and should be used instead.
- Dlg=
- <Prefix>
- Default:
- Function:
- This specifies the file extension, by which Eloquence recognizes a Eloquence dialog file.
- Whenever Eloquence tries to load a Dlg file (for example sample.dlg), it will try to locate and load an Idc (e.g. sample.idc) or Idm (e.g. sample.idm) file first.
NOTE: Although it's possible to use Eloquence dialog files (they are converted internally at runtime) it's strongly recommended to convert them to Dialog Manager format due to performance considerations.
- Idm=
- <Prefix>
- Default:
- Function:
- This specifies the file extension, by which Eloquence recognizes a Dialog Manager dialog file.
- This file is usually created by the cvdlg utility program or the Dialog Manager graphical editor.
- Idc=
- <Prefix>
- Default:
- Function:
- This specifies the file extension, by which Eloquence recognizes a compiled Dialog Manager dialog file.
- Debug=
- <Level>
- Default:
- 0
- Function:
- DebugLevel specifies the DLGSRV debug level. A zero value is recommended.
- Logfile=
- <Filename>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- Defines the name (and path) of a log file DLGSRV uses to write debug messages to. This value is only used if DebugLevel is nonzero.
The Netscape web browser can be used with Eloquence as an on-line help viewer. The following configuration item is necessary to establish this function.
- HelpBaseURL=
- <URL>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- This defines the base URL of the on-line help files.
- Example: HelpBaseURL=http://www/help/
NOTE: Since this functionality uses the Microsoft Windows DDE protocol, you should provide a Netscape item in the section [modules]. If this item is missing, DLGSRV will not be able to automatically start-up Netscape. Please refer to the description of Section [modules] below and to the Eloquence Graphical User Interface documentation for details.
- FileBaseURL=
- <URL>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- This defines the base URL for the function EqHelpViewFile.
- Example: FileBaseURL=http://www/files/
- ManBaseURL=
- <URL>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- This defines the base URL for the function EqHelpManPage.
- Example: ManBaseURL=http://www/cgi-bin/man2html
Section [modules]
This section is used by the RUNSRV and DLGSRV utility programs in context with the Microsoft Windows DDE communication protocol.
Since DDE server programs are not automatically started by Microsoft Windows, this section associates the Microsoft Windows module identifier with the program execution path. This enables the RUNSRV and DLGSRV utility programs to start-up the required DDE server programs themselves if they are not currently running.
If you want to communicate with any Microsoft Windows program using DDE, knowledge about the Microsoft Windows module identifier and the communication topics specific to the program is required. Normally, these informations are contained in the program's documentation.
This associates the module identifier of Microsoft Word for Windows with the program execution path. This enables the RUNSRV and DLGSRV utility programs to establish DDE communications with Microsoft Word for Windows.
The DLGSRV utility program has built-in support for DDE communication with the Netscape WWW browser. This is used to establish access to the on-line help system. In order to use this, you do not need any information concerning the internal Netscape DDE implementation. All you need to do is to add an entry in the section [modules] so that Netscape can be automatically started.
Netscape = C:\Programs\Netscape\Navigator\NETSCAPE.EXE
NOTE: The Microsoft Windows Task List displays the module identifiers of all programs currently running.
NOTE: Please refer to the Eloquence Graphical User Interface documentation for details about On-line Help and RUNSRV DDE Communication.
User-defined sections
User-defined sections are used by the DLGSRV utility program.
The DLGSRV utility program is launched by the DLG SET ".driver" statement, the syntax of this statement is:
DLG SET ".driver","driver_spec [ini_section [arguments]]"
- driver_spec:
- @hostname
- hostname is the name of the system where the DLGSRV utility program shall be executed.
- ini_section:
- Optional name of an user-defined section in the eloq.ini file where the defaults specified in the section [dlgsrv] can be overridden.
- arguments:
- Additional arguments can optionally be specified here and will be passed-through to the Dialog Manager.
On DLGSRV start-up, the following tasks are performed:
- DLGSRV sets up the Dialog Manager argument list from the arguments specified in the DLG SET ".driver" statement, if any. DLGSRV then reads the configuration items in the section [dlgsrv] (please refer to the description of Section [dlgsrv] below).
- If ini_section is specified in the DLG SET ".driver" statement, DLGSRV reads additional configuration items from this user-defined section. If these items have been previously specified in the section [dlgsrv], the previous values are overridden.
This user-defined section named [debug] defines one item DefaultsFile. In order to activate this item, the name of this section must be specified in the DLG SET ".driver" statement, e.g.:
DLG SET ".driver","@my-pc debug"
Any previous DefaultsFile definition in section [dlgsrv] is overridden with the new value from section [debug].
- If ini_section is specified in the DLG SET ".driver" statement, DLGSRV searches this user-defined section for an item named Arguments. If this item exists, its value is appended to the Dialog Manager argument list.
Arguments = -IDMtracefile C:\TMP\IDMTRACE.TXT
This enables an additional Dialog Manager argument which creates a trace file for debugging purposes.
- Finally, the composed Dialog Manager argument list is passed to the Dialog Manager runtime system start-up function.
Any configuration item valid for section [dlgsrv] may also be defined in user-defined sections (please refer to the description of Section [dlgsrv] below).
Additionally, user-defined sections may hold the following configuration item:
- Arguments=
- <Additional Dialog Manager Arguments>
- Default:
- none
- Function:
- Additional arguments specific to the current user-defined section can optionally be specified here and will be passed-through to the Dialog Manager.
NOTE: If arguments are immediately specified in the DLG SET ".driver" statement, an user-defined section must be specified, too. However, if you specify a section name not present in the eloq.ini file, the user-defined section will be ignored.
NOTE: For a list of valid commandline arguments, please refer to the ISA Dialog Manager documentation.
Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002