3 Installing Eloquence on the Windows 32 bit platform

Default eloqdb6.cfg file

# eloqdb6.cfg
# @(#)$Revision: 1.8 1997/07/21 00:00 $
# This file defines the eloqdb6 configuration and the
# database environment.
# The default location depends on the operating system:
# Windows NT:
#    C:/Program Files/Eloquence/etc
# This file is read once at eloqdb6 startup.
# Format:
# The section names are not case sensitive.
# String values can be enclosed in double quotes to protect
# leading or trailing spaces.
# Everything after a hash (#) character is considered a comment.

### Server configuration


# Service       The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
#               or the port number where the server should listen
#               for requests. The default value is eloqdb.
# ServiceHttp   The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
#               or the port number where the server should listen
#               for HTTP requests. If this is not specified, the
#               HTTP status is disabled.
# UseKeepAlive  Numeric flag if the KEEP ALIVE socket option
#               should be used. Valid values are 1/0.
#               The default value is 1.
#               If this option is active, the server will check
#               after a system defined period of inactivity if the
#               client is still alive.

#Service = eloqdb
#ServiceHttp = 
#UseKeepAlive = 1

# panic         This option defines what should happen if a fatal
#               error is encountered.
#               The following options are valid:
#               exit    Terminate the process. This is the default.
#               dump    Terminate the process and create a core dump.
#               This is a problem tracking option. Unless you know what
#               you need the coredump for you probably want to stay
#               with the default.

#panic = exit

# LogFile       This defines where log messages are written to.
#               This configuration value either specifies a path/file
#               or one of the keywords below:
#               console  - log messages are written to the console
#               syslog   - log messages will be sent to the Windows NT
#                          Event Log
#               The default value is "syslog".

#LogFile = syslog

# LogFlags      Each log message has an associated origin
#               and severity.
#               The log flags define which messages will be logged.
#               The "*" origin matches all message origins, so it can
#               be used to setup a default which can be overriden
#               for a specific message origin (eg. "*1N0"):
#               Default LogFlags are "*0"
#               The following origin are in use:
#                  * = All origins
#                  A = Configuration subsystem
#                  X = Network transport
#                  P = Protocol handling
#                  T = Thread kernel
#                  I = IMAGE subsystem
#                  B = BTREE subsystem
#                  F = FIXREC subsystem
#                  V = Volume handling
#                  L = Transaction logging
#                  C = Page cache
#                  N = Node handling
#                  D = The server framework
#                  O = System catalog
#               The following severities are in use:
#                  L_ERROR  = 0   - error messages
#                  L_INFO   = 1   - information
#                  L_DEBUG  = 2   - debug
#                  L_VDEBUG = 3   - verbose debug
#               When using syslog, the following priorities
#               are mapped:
#                  L_ERROR  = LOG_ERR
#                  L_INFO   = LOG_NOTICE
#                  L_DEBUG  = LOG_DEBUG
#                  L_VDEBUG = LOG_DEBUG
#               Enabling log messages with L_DEBUG or L_VDEBUG severity
#               may result in a huge number of log messages.
#               To suppress anything but fatal messages you can set
#               LogFlags to "*0".
#               To enable informational log messages you can set
#               the LogFlags to "*1".

#LogFlags = *0

### Data base config


# HttpFrame     Numeric flag if the links should be omitted
#               in HTTP status.
#               The default value is 0.

#HttpFrame = 0

# Threads       Number of threads in the data base server. A separate
#               thread is required for each client.
#               Default number of threads is 40.

#Threads = 40

# BufferCache   Size of page cache in megabytes. The page cache is
#               used to reduce the number of disc accesses. Large cache
#               size will speed up random database access, while a too
#               small cache size may cause bad server performance.
#               Default cache size is 5 MB.

#BufferCache = 5

# VnodeCache    Number of vnode cache elements.
#               The VnodeCache is used to cache Node open/close 
#               operations in the data base kernel.
#               A Node is the data base equivalent to a file.
#               Default number of VNodesCache elements is 200.

#VnodeCache = 200

# VbufElements  Number of Vbuffer elements. Vbuffers are used
#               as scratch buffers by the database kernel.
#               About 3-5 are used per concurrent active thread.
#               Default number of VBufElements is 20

#VbufElements = 20

# The server performs a checkpoint operation at fixed intervals. This
# flushes all modified buffers (including metadata) to the disk and
# resets log of committed transactions. A checkpoint is a point where
# the server knows all data are in a consistent state. Any data
# modification since the last checkpoint is recorded in the
# log volume.
# CheckPtFreq   Checkpoint frequency in seconds.
#               Default checkpoint frequency is 60 seconds.
# CheckPtSize   Checkpoint frequency based on accumulated log space
#               which would be freed by a checkpoint (in megabytes).
#               A zero CheckPtSize value disables size based
#               checkpoints.
#               Default checkpoint size is 5 megabytes.
# The database server performs a checkpoint operation at a fixed
# interval and optionally in addition when the accumulated log
# space which could be freed by a checkpoint operation reaches
# a given threshold.
# The frequency of the checkpoint operations has a great
# influence on the size of the log volume since the log volume
# must hold all committed transactions since between checkpoints.

#CheckPtFreq = 60
#CheckPtSize = 5

# The syncer thread flushes modified buffer pages to the disk
# when they are likely to become reused in the near future.
# SyncerFreq    Syncer thread invocation frequency (in seconds)
#               Default interval is 10 seconds.
# SyncerMinFree Minimum number of pages which should be available in
#               a synces state so they can be reused easily.
#               Default value is 16 pages.
# SyncerNFlush  Maximum number of pages to flush in a single
#               syncer run.
#               Default value is 4 pages.

#SyncerFreq = 10
#SyncerMinFree = 16
#SyncerNFlush = 4


# List of data base volumes. Initially empty.
# This is usually filled in by dbvolcreate and dbvolextend utilities

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002