2 Installing Eloquence on the HP-UX platform

Configuring the eloqdb6 server

The eloqdb6 server is the new Eloquence A.06.00 data base server. Eloquence A.06.00 uses a new data base using the client/server approach. Eloquence A.05.xx data bases can be accessed from Eloquence A.06.00 using the eloqdb5 server.

In order to run the eloqdb6 server it is required to adapt your system configuration. This involves the following steps:

Configuring the eloqdb TCP service

It is recommended, that you define the eloqdb service names in your /etc/services file. This is optional, as you can specify the port number directly in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file.

Please add lines like below to your /etc/services file:

eloqdb     8102/tcp    # Eloquence A.06.00 eloqdb6 server
the first column specifies the service name (eg. eloqdb6) and the second column the associated port number and protocol (eg. 8102/tcp). The selected port numbers may not already be in use by another programs.

NOTE: All systems must use the same port numbers for the same service in order to communicate.

You can have more than one instance of the eloqdb6 server running on a single system, however they must use different services/port numbers.

Configuring the default eloq account and group

The eloqdb6 server requires you to specify an account and group name in the configuration file. Whenever it is started with root capabilities it will switch to the specified account/group instead. This is required, because for one it is generally not a good idea to run programs with root capabilities unless necessary. In addition, all data base volumes are owned by this user and are thus protected from illegal access from other users.

While you can specify any user or group account in the configuration file, we recommend to create a specific user account and group for Eloquence which is used by the eloqdb6 server.

We recommend to create the user account eloq and the group eloq which should have the account eloq as a member. You can configure this with SAM. The account should be marked "disabled" in SAM (which will result in an asterisk in the password) to prevent logins using the eloq account.

Configuring the eloqdb6 server startup

This is different bewteen the HP-UX 9.x and 10.x operating system:

Add a line like below to your /etc/rc configuration script:

# Start Eloquence eloqsd6 server

Change the line defining the START_ELOQDB6 variable in the file /etc/rc.config.d/eloquence6 like below:


Configuring the eloqdb6 server

The eloqsd server is configured by editing the eloqdb6.cfg configuration file. It is located in the Eloquence configuration directory. The eloqdb6.cfg configuration file provides complete inline documentation. The default configuration file is included at the end of this section for your reference.

The Eloquence configuration directory depends on your operating system:

HP-UX 10.x
HP-UX 9.x

The eloqdb6 command line options

The eloqdb6 server supports the following command line options which can be used to temporarily override configured settings in the configuration file.

usage: eloqdb6 [options]
 -help       = show usage (this list)
 -c name     = configuration file
 -d flags    = debug mode
 -l name     = log file name (or console/syslog/default)
 -f          = run in foreground
 -s name     = service name (tcp/ip transport)
 -F facility = syslog facility (USER/DAEMON/LOCAL0..LOCAL7)
 -I ident    = syslog identifier
-c nameSpecifies the configuration file name 
-d flagsSpecifies the server log flags.LogFlags
-l nameSpecifies the server log file.LogFile
-fRun in foreground. This is used for debugging the eloqdb6 server. 
-s nameThe service name (as defined in /etc/services) or the port number where the server should listen for requests. The default value is eloqdb6.Service
-F facilityWhen logging to the syslog daemon, you can define a syslog facility (USER/DAEMON LOCAL0..LOCAL7)SysFacility
-I identWhen logging to the syslog daemon, you can define a syslog syslog identifier. The default is eloqdb6SysIdent

*Equivalent configuration file directive.

The eloqdb6 HTTP status display

When the ServiceHttp is defined in the eloqdb6.cfg configuration file, you can use a WEB browser such as Netscape to view the configuration and state of the eloqdb6 server in your network.

To access the eloqdb6 server, you need to provide a URL like below:

where server is the host name or IP number of ther system running the eloqsd server and port is the port number used for serviceHttp in the eloqdb6.cfg file.

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002