A Reference Tables

Storage Requirements

Variable Type Space Needed for Read/Write Memory Space Needed for DATA files
Real16 bytes8 bytes
Short16 bytes4 bytes
Integer8 bytes4 bytes
Double integer8 bytes6 bytes
String12 bytes + 1 byte per char.14 bytes +1 byte per char + 4 bytes per defined record.1
Real8 bytes + 8 bytes/element28 bytes x no. of elements
Short8 bytes + 8 bytes/element24 bytes x no. of elements
Integer8 bytes + 4 bytes/element24 bytes x no. of elements
Double integer8 bytes + 4 bytes/element26 bytes x no. of elements
String12 bytes + 4 bytes/element2 + 1 byte per char.14 bytes per element + total needed for each string (see above)1

1 Rounded up, if needed, to a 4 byte boundary.

2 Plus 8 bytes per dimension.

Eloquence Language Manual - 19 DEC 2002