HP Eloquence A.06.31 Release Notes

HP Eloquence database server (eloqdb6)

This document covers fixes and enhancements which have been integrated into the HP Eloquence A.06.31 eloqdb6 database server.

Contents of this document:

Improved support for deadlock detection and recovery

Eloqdb6 includes improved support for deadlock detection and recovery. The deadlock resolution algorithm is designed not to affect existing applications. Program changes may be required for programs using transactions to recover from a deadlock situation.

dbctl command line interface enhancements

The dbctl command line interface has been enhanced to support restoring a database archive with a different database name. The new command syntax is:
  dbctl dbrestore [/info] source [new_database_name]

To copy an entire database, first use dbctl dbstore, then restore it with a different name by using dbctl dbrestore.

dbfsck enhancements

The dbfsck utility has been enhanced to support repairing a fixrec free-list. This is an internal list which keeps track of free record numbers. If such a list was corrupted, previous dbfsck releases crashed. Since patch PE63-0104230 fixrec free-lists can be safely repaired with dbfsck.

Fixed problems

© Copyright 2001 Hewlett-Packard GmbH. All rights reserved.
Revision: 2001-07-18