Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes

Eloquence A.05.00 Release Notes


RUNSRV is a utility program which is used by Eloquence to start the Eloquence dialog server process (DLGSRV) on a remote PC. To achive this, the RUNSRV program must be active on the remote PC.


PC Installation

Please refer to Installation of Eloquence Software on the PC Platform for informations on installation and PC platform prerequisites.
You may configure RUNSRV using the ELOQ.INI config file on the PC. Please refer to ELOQ.INI File on the PC Platform for further reference.

HP-UX Installation

Please refer to hpuxSetup for informations on installation and HP-UX platform prerequisites.
You may configure RUNSRV using the eloq.ini config file on the HP-UX system. Please refer to ELOQ.INI file on the HP-UX System for further reference.

PC Operation

If you start RUNSRV.EXE (on client PC), it will iconize itself waiting for a request.
If you restore the RUNSRV window, a log of the recent operations performed by RUNSRV is displayed. If RUNSRV is unable to handle a request, a message box pops up.

Common problems

Network software not loaded
You either did not load the required network software or your network software is not compatible.
Service runsrv (tcp) not found in your SERVICES file
You did not install the runsrv service name in your services file.
Address already in use
The port number you used by RUNSRV is already in use. This may happen if the port number is not unique or if you try to run RUNSRV a second time.
WinExec failed (nn): Error Message
RUNSRV was unable to perform the requested operation. Error number and message reflect a problem detected by MS Windows.


RUNSRV uses the configuration infomation of the section named [runsrv] in the eloq.ini file on the PC (located in your WINDOWS directory) and the eloq.ini file on the HP-UX system (located in the /usr/eloquence directory).
See corresponding documentation for further reference.
Depending on eloq.ini settings, RUNSRV.EXE on the PC uses one of the following DLL's to interface the network software.


    RUNSRV is not limited to start the Dialog Manager server process only. It may be used to execute any command on a remote PC.
    Using the RunSrv.DLL, you may use the RUNSRV functionality in your own programs:

    The following error numbers are returned by Runsrv:

    For an example see the RUNSRV.PROG example program.

    RUNSRV Protocol

    RUNSRV uses the following protocol:
    Each message is preceeded by a 4 byte length field in network order. The following structure is used to transmit a request:
    struct Job {
       char type[4];	/* type of request, \0 terminated */
       char data[1];	/* additional data for request */

    Currently there are two job types supported:
    Start the Eloquence dialog server. Connection information transmitted by Eloquence is merged with commandline given in ELOQ.INI file (dlgsrv configuration item).
    For the "RUN" request type, data must hold the commandline to be executed (terminated by null byte).

    Last update: 95/11/08