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Eloquence and Year 2000


Title: Eloquence and Year 2000
Document: y2k
Keywords: Y2K,year2000,2000

Eloquence and Year 2000

Eloquence language is not affected by the Year2000 problem. There is only a single point where the Eloquence language processes date information: The DATE$ function.

The HP Query application which is included with Eloquence uses a date format which is not vulnerable to the Y2K transition.

All Eloquence versions A.05.12 and above should not be affected by the Y2K transition. Of course Eloquence relies on the underlying operating system (especially libc) to function correctly. Please note that HP-UX 9.x is not Y2K compliant.

Applications written on top of Eloquence may be vulnerable to Y2K transition problems. There is nothing Eloquence can do about it; the application must be reviewed and fixed. This is like any other programming language - when the programmer choosed to save a date in YYMMDD format.

There will be two kind of Eloquence systems around year 2000.

  • Those running a revision below A.06.00
  • Those running a revision of A.06.00 or above

Eloquence below A.06.00

Eloquence versions before A.05.12 will fail in the year 2000. The DATE$ function will return a wrong result.

Currently DATE$ returns something this

In year 2000, DATE$ with Eloquence before A.05.12 will return
The year is returned relative to 1900. This has been fixed by Eloquence version A.05.12.

With Eloquence A.05.12 and above, the DATE$ function will return the expected format:


Eloquence A.06.00

Eloquence A.06.00 is prepared to handle the year 2000 transition smoothly and provides a migration for current programs.
  • You are able to specify the result format for the DATE$ and TIME$ functions. So it's up to you to return the full date (if you want). This is a global setting (in eloq.config or .eloqrc) and affects all applications.

    Consider the following entries in your eloq.config configuration file:

    DateFmt = "%m/%d/%Y"
    causes DATE$ to return "02/07/1997"

    DateFmt = "%d.%m.%y"
    causes DATE$ to return "07.02.97"

    It is probably a good idea to return a four digit year when your applications are prepared to handle the different DATE$ return format.

  • The DATE$ and TIME$ function syntax was enhanced. You can optionally specify a format which will be used instead of the default format. For example
    DATE$("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    returns 1997-01-14 14:37.
See strftime(3) and date(1) for more information on date/time formats.

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