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How to realize a 'Cancel' dialog


Title: How to realize a 'Cancel' dialog
Document: 904568611
Author: Karsten Schaefer
Keywords: cancel,ASCII,DLG,DLG DRAW,Dialog Manager,rule,TYPEAHEAD,KBCODE

How to realize a 'Cancel' dialog in a graphical environment

Problem description

Whenever a user starts a task in a graphical environment that takes a lot of time until the task is completed (e.g. print job), it would be helpful, to find away that enables the user to stop (cancel) this job.


There is an example canzel.tar.gz /canzel.zip on our ftp server that should give you an idea how to implement a cancel function into a Eloquence program. This example includes all necessary files, and it may run in a ASCII-DLG environment or in graphical mode (IDM) as well. The program itself includes further information that shell help to understand this example. The file dlg2idm.txt points out, which changes are necessary in the IDM file to achive the wanted behaviour.
It is recommend to read the README coming with patch PE61-9808190 that provides an enhanced version of the Eloquence GUI components for the Windows platform (Windows 16 and 32 bit).

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