#! /usr/bin/sh # grep script to monitor eloquence server log for "unusual" messages... # usage examples: # cat /my/eloqdb.log | greplog.sh | mailx -s "eloqdb info" support@marxmeier.com # tail -f /my/eloqdb.log | greplog.sh # for use in a monitoring terminal session grep -v \ -e "D1: Connection from" \ -e "D1: Disconnected" \ -e "D1: \[[0-9]*\] Connection from" \ -e "E1: \[[0-9]*\] Login:" \ -e "E2: \[[0-9]*\] Audit:" \ -e "D1: \[[0-9]*\] Disconnected" \ -e "D1: HTTP connection from" \ -e "D1: \[[0-9]*\] HTTP connection from" \ -e "D1: \[[0-9]*\] HTTP finished" \ $* # end of grep # optionally add the following to the above grep list... # -e "V1: \[[0-9]*\] Note: forward-logging has been restarted" \ # -e "L0: \[[0-9]*\] created new forward-log segment" \ # lars appel 19.sep.08