2 Report Description Statements

The PAGE LENGTH Statement

The PAGE LENGTH statement sets the vertical size of the page. The number of blank lines to appear at the top or bottom of the page may optionally be established. To arrive at effective or usable page size, subtract the total number of blank lines plus the number of lines required for the page header and page trailer from the lines per page. The result must be greater than three. All expressions are evaluated at the time of the BEGIN REPORT statement's execution.

PAGE LENGHT lines per page [,blank lines top ,blank lines bottom]

The parameters are:

lines per page
The number of lines per page. If not entered, it defaults to 66 lines with two blank lines at the top and bottom of the page. If lines per page evaluates to zero, no blanks are printed at the top or bottom of a page, a page heading is printed when the first detail line is executed, a page trailer is printed with the END REPORT, the user is responsible for invoking all page breaks by using the TRIGGER PAGE BREAK statement and the NUMLINE function will accumulate the number of lines printed up to 32767.
blank lines top
The number of blank lines to be output at the top of every page. The default is 2. The maximum is 255.
blank lines bottom
The number of blank lines to be output at the bottom of every page. The default is 2. The maximum is 255.

Eloquence Report Manual - 19 DEC 2002