5 Installing Eloquence on the Linux platform

Template eloq.config file

# d.eloq.config
# Eloquence configuration file
# (C) Copyright Marxmeier Software AG, 2002
# @(#)$Revision: 20.4 $
# This file contains global available configuration
# It must be named eloq.config and located at:
#   HP-UX 9.x    /opt/eloquence6/etc
#   HP-UX 10.x   /etc/opt/eloquence6
#   linux        /etc/opt/eloquence6
#  You MUST define at least one volume (typically SYSTEM, see below),
#  or eloqcore will fail on startup.
# Globally defined volumes
# Format: VOLUME label [device] path
#      label   - Volume label (up to 8 characters)
#                must be unique per file
#      device  - Device specifier eg. ":F2,6,0"
#                ignored when present, no longer used
#      path    - HP-UX path to map volume on
# Globally defined printers
# Format: PRINTER no [model] type spec
#      no     - printer select code (-2 .. 7, 11 .. 99)
#      model  - PCL or OTHER
#               ignored when present, not used
#      type   - printer type PIPE, FILE or SYSTEM
#      spec   - path/command to process on printer selection
# Globally defined ports
# Format: PORT no spec
#       no    - port select code (11 .. 20)
#               may not conflict with PRINTER
#       spec  - path of tty devicefile
# Default date/time format
# Format: DATE spec
#         TIME spec
#       spec    - date/time specification. please refer to date(1) or
#                 strftime(3) for more information.
#                 For backward compatibility, the former specifications
#                 "DD.MM.YY" and "MM/DD/YY" are silently converted.
#                 Default: DATE "%m/%d/%y"
#                          TIME "%H:%M:%S"
# Global MSI value
# Format: MSI label
#	label	- Volume label. Default is the first defined volume.

# --- sample volumes

VOLUME	SYSTEM  /opt/eloquence6/share/prog
#VOLUME	EXAMPLE /opt/eloquence6/share/example

# --- sample printers

PRINTER	 0  PIPE "lp -s 2>/dev/null"
#PRINTER 1  PIPE "lp -s -oc 2>/dev/null"
#PRINTER 2  FILE /dev/lp

# --- sample PORT

#PORT 11 /dev/tty0p5

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002