2 Installing Eloquence on the HP-UX platform

Default eloqsd.cfg file

# eloqsd.cfg
# @(#)$Revision: 1.5 1997/07/15 00:00 $
# The purpose of this file is to define the eloqsd properties.
# The location depends on the operating system:
#   HP-UX 9.x:  /opt/eloquence6/etc/eloqsd.cfg
#   HP-UX 10.x: /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.cfg
#   Linux:      /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.cfg
# This file is read once at eloqsd startup.
# Format:
# The section names are not case sensitive. String values can be 
# enclosed in double quotes to protect leading or trailing spaces.
# Everything after a hash (#) character is considered a comment.
# Default values are provided commented out.

### Server configuration


# Service       The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
#               or the port number where the server should listen
#               for requests. The default value is eloqsd.
# ServiceHttp   The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
#               or the port number where the server should listen
#               for HTTP requests. If this is not specified, the
#               HTTP status is disabled.
# UseKeepAlive  Numeric flag if the KEEP ALIVE socket option
#               should be used. Valid values are 1/0.
#               The default value is 1.
#               If this option is active, the server will check
#               after a system defined period of inactivity, if the
#               client is still alive.

#Service = eloqsd
#ServiceHttp = 
#UseKeepAlive = 1

# panic         This option defines what should happen if a fatal
#               error is encountered.
#               The following options are valid:
#               exit    Terminate the process. This is the default.
#               dump    Terminate the process and create a core dump.
#               This is a problem tracking option. Unless you know what
#               you need the coredump for you probably want to stay with
#               the default

#panic = exit

# HttpFrame     Numeric flag if the links should be omitted in 
#               HTTP status. The default value is 0.

# HttpFrame = 0

# Lang          This configuration option defines the locale, the
#               server should use. The default value is "C".
#               The only locale currently supported is "C".
# Messages      This configuration option defines the language
#               for server messages. This value defaults to Lang.
#               The only locale currently supported is "C".
# Charset       This defines the character set encoding, the server
#               should use internally.
#               Valid setings are:
#                  HPROMAN8 - HP Roman8
#                  ISO8859/1 - ISO 8859/1
#               The default value for HP-UX is HPROMAN8, all other
#               platforms default to ISO8859/1.
#               This setting is used by the server to translate
#               client strings like user or file names.

#Lang = C
#Messages = C
#Charset = HPROMAN8

# AuthPolicy    This entry specifies, how user names and passwords
#               are validated. The following entries are valid:
#               server  - The server will validate passwords
#                         and user names using eloqsd.user
#               The default value is "server".
# userFile      The path/name of the eloqsd.user file.
#               The default value depends on your operating system:
#               HP-UX 9.x:  /opt/eloquence6/etc/eloqsd.user
#               HP-UX 10.x: /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.user
#               Linux:      /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.user
# shareFile     The path/name of the eloqsd.share file.
#               The default value depends on your operating system:
#               HP-UX 9.x:  /opt/eloquence6/etc/eloqsd.share
#               HP-UX 10.x: /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.share
#               Linux:      /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.share

#AuthPolicy = server
#userFile = /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.user
#shareFile = /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqsd.share

# DefaultUID    The default name (or numeric id) of the system account
#               to run client processes as, unless a different setting
#               is provided for the user.
# DefaultGID    The default name (or numeric id) of the system group
#               to run client processes as, unless a different setting
#               is provided for the user.

DefaultUID = eloqsd
DefaultGID = eloqsd

# LogFile       This defines where log messages are written to.
#               This configuration value either specifies a path/file
#               or one of the keywords below:
#               console  - log messages are written to the console
#               syslog   - log messages will be sent to the
#                          syslog daemon
#               The default value is "syslog".

LogFile = syslog

# SysIdent      When logging to the syslog daemon, you can define
#               a syslog identifier. Default is eloqsd.
#               See syslogd(1M) for more information
# SysFacility   When logging to the syslog daemon, you can define
#               a syslog facility (USER/DAEMON/LOCAL0..LOCAL7)
#               The default setting is "USER".
#               See syslogd(1M) for more information

#SysIdent = eloqsd
#SysFacility = USER

# LogFlags      Each log message has an associated origin and 
#               severity. The log flags define, which messages will
#               be logged. The "*" origin matches all message origins,
#               so it can be used to setup a default which can be
#               overriden for a specific message origin (eg. "*1N0"):
#               Default LogFlags are "*0"
#               The following origin are in use:
#                  * = All origins
#                  C = Configuration subsystem
#                  N = Network transport
#                  P = Protocol handling
#               The following severities are in use:
#                  L_ERROR  = 0   - error messages
#                  L_INFO   = 1   - information
#                  L_DEBUG  = 2   - debug
#                  L_VDEBUG = 3   - verbose debug
#               When using syslog, the following priorities
#               are mapped:
#                  L_ERROR  = LOG_ERR
#                  L_INFO   = LOG_NOTICE
#                  L_DEBUG  = LOG_DEBUG
#                  L_VDEBUG = LOG_DEBUG
#               Enabling log messages with L_DEBUG or L_VDEBUG severity
#               may result in a huge number of log messages.
#               To enable only fatal messages, you would want to set the
#               LogFlags to "*0", to enable regular log messages you
#               would want to set the LogFlags to "*1"

LogFlags = *0

# Configuration items below are the more traditional eloqsd 
# settings.
# MaxUsers      Maximum number of eloqcore processes on the local
#               system. The default value is 40.
# MaxTasks      Maximum number of TASKIDs to reserve for "secondary"
#               eloqcore processes. If you don't know what this is good
#               for, you probably don't need it :-)
#               The default value is 20

MaxUsers = 40
MaxTasks = 20

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002