1 Installing Eloquence

Eloquence license scheme

In order to use the Eloquence software, you need to provide a license key on each system where you intend to run Eloquence server software on. With Eloquence A.06.00 it is not required to install a license key on each system running Eloquence unless you intend to run Eloquence server software.

When you install Eloquence on a system for the first time, a temporary license key is generated which will expire after 30 days.

If Eloquence A.05.02 or above is already installed on your system, no temporary license key is generated, because you installed Eloquence before. However, you can simply re-use your license key from your current installation. Simply copy the license file from /opt/eloquence/licence to /opt/eloquence6/license (please note the different spelling of licence vs. license).

In order to request your permanent license key, plase fill out the "Permanent License Request" form included with the software and send it to the address below:

+49 202 2431420
Marxmeier Software AG
Attn. Eloquence Support
Besenbruchstrasse 9
D-42285 Wuppertal
After you received your permanent license key, you must add it to your license file in order to activate it. The location of the Eloquence license file depends on operating system revision:

HP-UX 10.x
HP-UX 9.x
Windows NT
The file license is located in the etc subdirectory of the Eloquence installation path.
The license file is a plain text file which contains all licences which apply to the Eloquence product. The utility /opt/eloquence6/etc/chklic may be used to check the licence file.

Example license file contents

B1368B A.05.10 none 0-0-0 0-0-0 0 51036b7bf2f1f21b7d40c37ea230165e
Please refer to /opt/eloquence6/newconfig/config/license for a detailed description of the license file format.

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 19 DEC 2002